Chapter 17

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After Jungkook hung up the phone, I went to change and do my makeup since it's almost time the bar's open. Lena said there will be a party in here which I have to join Ari and few other girls, taking care the guests. I'm totally not ready for this and kind off nervous because I never work with someone before.

Once finished my makeup and everything, I get up and gathered with the others, listening to Lena advising about the party, it turns out to be Mr. Min and his friends party, now I'm not certain if I still wanna go. I stand silently, wait until Lena finish.

As everyone left, I walk up to Lena which made she looks at me doubtfully

Lena: Is there anything you want?

Y/n: Can I just take the client as usual? I really don't wanna go to the party

Lena: Why not?

Y/n: I just don't feel like to, I never done this before I don't want to mess things up for Ari and others

Lena: You can't mess anything up for them Y/n, each one of you guys has to take care of your own guest. If you take care your guest well, you will make good money and if you can't satisfy your guest you will make less money, you see it won't effect them at all.

That not the only reason, the thing is this is the party of a man that I don't want to see and he doesn't want to see me neither. I don't understand why she put me in this. As I remain silent, she steps forward and grabs both my shoulders firmly.

Lena: They're all rich people there, you will make a lot of money, trust me.

I give her a miserable smile then nodded my head gently which brought a wide smile to her face

Lena: You will have fun stealing their money. Ask Ari to teach you some techniques, she's really good at it

She gently tap my shoulder then left. I release a deep and exhausted sigh then shit down on the couch for a another minute. So, it decided and I have to go? But I don't want to, I have a really bad feeling about this. Hopefully I'm just overthinking, I let out another deep sigh before I get up and finally leave.

When I arrived, everyone turned to look at me including Mr. Min and Ari, they're sitting near each other, their body were glued together.

Ari looks at me and smirk before she proceed to kiss his neck. While he keeps staring at me with his sharp intimidating eyes, I give him an expressionless smile then walk passed them calmly.

There are around 8 - 10 people here, sitting in a huge curved booth. I went to sit at the empty spot which quite far from everyone, I don't know who am I supposed to take care, it was very awkward for me to be here.

I turn my back at them and just watching the performance on the stage silently. A moment later, I feel someone poking my shoulder. I turn around, look at the man standing in front of me. He flashes me a smile then sit down right next to me, I has to scoot over to other side because it was too close.

Man: Drinks?

He handed me one of the drinks that he was holding

Y/n: I don't drink but thank you

Man: Should I get you water?

Y/n: No you don't have to

Despite he still call the waiter and ask for a glass of water, luckily the music was very loud, otherwise it would be embarrassing for him to order water at the bar.

After couple minutes, the waiter returned with a glass of water and give it to me

Man: Tell me your name

Y/n: Y- Y/n

Man: What a lovely name

He whispered closely to my earlobe. My heart starts pounding, I gulped nervously when he placed one of his hands on thighs

Man: If you treat me well tonight, you will get whatever you want

I remain silent, he holds my chin up and peck my lip. While he trace his kiss down to my neck, I accidentally made eyes contact with Mr. Min, his eyes filled with rage, he looks really pissed.

Not too long, I broke the eyes contact and look away from him, a moment later he got up from the booth and stormed somewhere, Ari sent me a death glare before she get up and follows Mr. Min.

Few hours later, after the party is done, I walk back to the bedroom exhaustedly. When I arrived Ari was already waiting for me there. She sit at the edge of my bed, crossing her legs while one of her hand holding the heels that Mr. Min gave me.

Ari: Last time, did you told him that I stole from you?

Y/n: No I didn't

Ari: Liar

Y/n: Please give them back to me

Ari: Why should I? Just in case you don't know, he really hate you now. If I was you I would feel shameful to keep it

My eyes widened when she takes out a cutter knife with smirk on her face

Y/n: Ari please give it back to me

I begged but that doesn't seem to help anything. A tears slowly falling from my eyes, as she begins cutting the heels with her cutter, before it get any worse I went to snatch it away from her 

Ari: Give me it back to me now fucking bitch

I shake my head, refusing. I hug it tightly in my arms as she tries to take it back

Ari: Don't fucking try me Y/n, I said give it back

Y/n: No

While trying to get the heels back, her cutter accidentally caused few cuts on my arms, despite the pain I still refused to give it to her, we both keep fighting until we heard the door open

Lena: What's going on?

Ari's eyes widened, she drops the cutter then turn around and pull me to hide behind her

Girl: Ari and Y/n were fighting

Lena's face become furious, as she entered the room Ari secretly kicks the cutter away to hide it under the bed

Lena: How many times do I have to tell you guys not to fight in here

Ari: Come on it was just a small fight, we're good now right Y/n

I was still sobbing, Lena peeking at me concernedly, as she walk towards us, Ari turned around and pretend to hug me tightly

Ari: Gosh, you're so sensitive, I promise from now on I won't yelled at you again.

Lena: You okay Y/n?

Ari: Of course she is.

Lena: I asked her not you

Y/n: I'm ok, don't worry

Ari: See?

Lena: Alright alright, I'm leaving now. Someone comes lock the door

Ari: I got you

Next Day

Man: This is very expensive shoes. It will cost you a lot

Y/n: It's okay as long as you get it fixed

Man: If you have money it would be better to buy a new pair, because if I fixed it I'll cost you almost the same price as a new one, since the material is very expensive and it will take me a lot of time to repair it

Y/n: Yes, it fine. I- I just want this one back

Man: Gotcha


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