Chapter 24

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Your mouth devouring the sandwich so deliciously. Meanwhile your mind is distracting with what your father told you earlier. You have no clue what's happening, and what are those loan sharks plan on doing.

Once you done eating, you went back to your bedroom to get ready and left for groceries shopping.

While trying to complete your shopping list, you suddenly flinch at the vibrations of your phone. You pull it out from your jean pocket to check the caller ID which showing an unknown number. You quietly stare at your phone screen hesitating for a minute then decline the call.

The call keep coming nonstop even though you been declining it, you begin to have a bad feeling. Thinking it might be something related to the debt, you made up your mind and decided to answer it.

"Who is this?" you asked with your soft and nervous voice. "What are you doing?" a familiar male voice responded. Your eyes widened when you recognized his voice. "M- Mr. Min?" you stuttered. "That's right, it's me. Are you disappointed that it's not your little boyfriend's new phone number, hm?" He chuckles.

"No sir, and I don't know if you remember, but I already told you that he's not my boyfriend" you muttered.

"I don't recall that. Even so, do you think I care about your relationship with that weakling bastard?"

"Th- that not what I mean sir, I- I just like when people misunderstanding"

"Oh yeah? Remind me again, what did I misunderstood, from what I saw, you guys are waiting for the opportunity to fuck each other"

"Excuse me?" You exclaimed unimpressedly

You have always been a quiet and polite person, even though you went through a lot of stuff, you always managed to stay calm and keep sane, you don't know how to be angry or hold grudges against anyone except yourself but at this moment, you don't know how and why your blood suddenly boiled.

"So what if we do? This has nothing to do with you Mr. Min, so please stay away from our business" you added

Upon hearing those words from you, Yoongi clenched his phone furiously

"Stay where you are, someone will come pick you up" he commanded with his unhappy tone

"Why should I?" You refused

"We have a deal Y/n, I hope you remember that. You can disregard my words if you want to see that little shit die in front of y-"

"No wait, I'll stay here. I'll go wherever you want me to, please don't do anything to Jungkook" you begged helplessly.

"That what I thought, be a good girl Y/n" he chuckled with satisfaction then proceeded to end the call.

After he hung up you released a deep sigh "I need to be more careful next time or I'll get Jungkook in trouble" you mumbled to yourself feeling anxious.

Since the moment the call ended you don't dare moving anywhere and just standing at the same spot waiting for the person that supposed to come pick you up. Look at the groceries that you put in your shopping basket, luckily you haven't pay for anything yet, if you did it will be such a big waste since they probably won't let you bring them with you.

15 minutes passed, you see someone walking towards your direction, he is very good looking, and the way he dressed it doesn't look like he's just an ordinary person. You turn your head left and right, back and forward just to realize that no one was there for the man to stares at except you. As he comes closer, you turn around and about to walk away thinking he might mistake you for someone else but you suddenly stop when he begins to speak "Ms. Y/n?"

A/N: Any guess who the man might be?? Btw helloooo my fellow readers, I know it been a while and I'm very sorry, though I'm still busy but I'll try to update I much as I can. I'm not gonna promise anything because we don't know what will happen tomorrow. But!! I'll try my best to complete this story. Hope you guys enjoy this short chapter and have great day/night.

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