Chapter 25

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"Ms. Y/n?"

Y/n's Pov
I stopped, when the stranger man unexpectedly called my name. As confused as I am, I turned around and face him "Excuse me? Do I know you?" I mumbled, "not quite but I was sent here to pick you up" he replied politely. So, he probably one of Mr. Min's people, what do I do? I don't really wanna go with them, is it too late to run away now? No, I can't do that, Jungkook will be in danger if I do that.

"If you're done here, we should get going before Yoongi hyung get angry. If that happens we both will get in trouble" his tone is deep and stern, I snapped out of my thoughts, nodded, "y-yes, sorry"

He leads me outside the building, there is a van waiting for us. As we approach it, the driver come opens the door and allows us to get in. The moment the driver closed the van's door my heartbeat accelerated, I'm nervous. And the silence of the man that sitting right next to me does not help anything. I wonder where they taking me to and why? Should I just ask him? But he doesn't seem like he wants to talk to me, right, why would he want to talk to me?These thoughts inside my head are killing me, I'm so nervous I could die.

30 minutes later...

"We're here"

Huh? We're here? Already? For how long have we been sitting in the car, I don't even know.

As soon as the driver slides the door open, the man head out first, he stands outside the door facing me. As he offering me his hand, my cheeks are heating up, I take his hand and carefully get out of the van. My legs were tired from sitting for too long, I almost trip but the man was quick to rescue "are you alright?" He asked concernedly. "Y-yes, thank you"

Observe my surrounding, I can't help but dumbfounded, is that a mansion right in front of me?

"Ms Y/n can you walk"

I was too amazed that I didn't realize I was still standing at the same spot.

"Y-yes, sorry" I mumbled and start following him inside the mansion

"Boss, they brought her"
"Bring her in here"

We entered the mansion and a man immediately approached us, he whispered to the man that was sent to pick me up earlier. The man nodded his head then continue leading me to some room upstair. When we arrived at the door he stop and look at me.

"Yoongi hyung is inside and he wants you in there as soon as possible" with that he turns around and about to walk away, but seems like something stopped him, he turns his head back facing me once again "I'm Taehyung, it was nice to meet you" he smiling kindly.

"I- it was nice m- meeting you too" I stuttered.

He chuckled then walk away. Shortly after he left I turned to face the door, nervous. Once I gathered all my courage, I reached the doorknob and open the door. Force myself into the room while my heart beating rapidly.

Enter this room is like entering a new dimension, the atmosphere is different from the other rooms, maybe because of the weird decorations, the lighting is soft, not too dim nor too bright, it made me wonder what this room is for.

"You like this room?"

I startled at the voice, I was too busy observing the room that I didn't even notice him? He's sitting and leaning on the L shaped couch, his eyes already staring at me intimidatingly.

"M- Mr. Min"

"Every time you see me is like you see either ghost or a serial killer, am I that scary to you?"

"N- no sir, I'm just..."

"Just what?"

"N- nothing, why did you brought me here?"

"Come to me" he commands

His tone is stern and dominant, I can't do anything but to follow his order. As I'm only a feet away from him, he wraps one of his arm around my waist and made me sit on his lap. His other hand grabbed one of my breast and squeezes it harshly while attacking my neck, all these happened so sudden, I can't think properly.

"M-Mr. Min mhm w-wait" I beg breathlessly, while he keeps kissing and sucking my bare skin, leaving marks all over my neck, it hurts and tickles whenever his lip touches my skin.

After a minute he gets up from the couch and carries me to the bed, he lays me down, while his lip never leave my neck, his hands slowly removing my clothes piece by piece until I have only my undergarments left.

"M-Mr. Min s- stop it" I gathered all my strength and push him away

"Who you think you are, telling me to stop?"
He's furious.

"Did you forgot our deal Y/n"

"N- no, I didn't"

"Then shut up and do what you're supposed to do"

"I- j- just give me a minute to prepare"

"Prepare? What do you need to prepare? Did you forgot that you're prostitute? You have sex every night with random men, no?"

He use one of his hand cupped my face aggressively. It hurts, it hurts so much, not because of what he did but because of what he said.

"Yes, I slept with random men every night but that doesn't mean I like doing it or I wanted to" my voice start shaking, as teardrop falling from my eyes

"I wasn't born rich like you, so there's no much choice for me. You can hurt, torture and use me all you want but please don't insult me like this or think that I'm doing my job with free will. It hurts to hear that from you" I cry my heart out, I thought he would be more angry because of how annoying I sounded right now but instead he slowly loosening his grip on my face and wipe the tears on my cheeks so gently. His expression was completely different from earlier, it became softer. "I'm sorry" he mumbled and lean closer to kiss my lip tenderly.

And just like that, just a singled sorry from him, I feel like my heart is ready to give in and forget everything he did to me. It's not good for me to be this vulnerable but for some reason I feel safe here, his kiss is different from others, I don't want this to stop, I a want him to keep kissing me like this a little bit longer. I shamelessly wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back

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