Chapter 11

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Jin: Hey you come here!

Your heart dropped, you stop breathing for a second when he raised his voice, pointing at the you.

All the girls turn to look at you and roll their eyes in despise way. You're frozen in place and didn't know what to do.

Nearly one minute and you still remaining unmoved, you gulp your own saliva hardly when he has to comes to you instead

Jin: Are you deaf? I called you

Girl 1: Ah this stupid bitch I fucking hate her, she really put Mr. Kim in a bad mood

Girl 2: I think she did that on purpose because she wants his attention

Girl 1: I know right

Your face frowning when you heard the girls behind you whispered to each other.

Once you have yourself together, you look up at Seokjin who standing in front of you and give him a quick bow to apologize for your previously behavior 

Y/n: Sorry about earlier, I didn't know who you were, and no I'm not deaf

Jin: Then why don't you respond when I called you

Y/n: Because... I was nervous and my brain didn't process quick enough, please forgive me

Jin: Why were you nervous? Am I that scary?

Y/n: Mhm!

You nodded your head which made him burst out laughing loudly, you just stare at him dumbfounding

Jin: Listen! I'm the nicest guy you will ever meet in this universe. Sorry if I really did scared you, I was just messing around. Anyway, since you probably know who I am, I don't need to tell you again

Y/n: Y- yes sir

Jin: What's your name?

Y/n: Y/n

Jin: So, you're the one my friend was talking about

Y/n: Eh?

Jin: Min Yoongi, you know him, didn't you ?

Y/n: Y- yes

Jin: Alright, you can go back to sleep, I just came here to check on everything, oh yeah I almost forgot here is your gift

Y/n: G- gift?

Jin: Yes, a welcoming gift, sorry I know it late but I been busy in the past few weeks

You shaking your head

Y/n: Please don't be sorry, you really don't have to

Jin: I gave to everyone, so I have to give to you too

He handed you two present boxes, you stare at them for seconds then hesitatingly take them

Y/n: Thank you so much

Jin: Mhm, one of them from Yoongi, make sure to thanks him later

Your cheeks become red, you stare at the gift boxes then look at Seokjin again

Y/n: May I know the reason why he sent me this gift?

Jin: That what I tried to figure out too but you should be happy about it, he never gives anyone gift from what I know, he's not the kind of person who into stuff like this.

After Seokjin left, you walk back to your bed while keep staring at the gift that supposed to be from Yoongi, you heart fluttering. This is the first time you ever received a gift from someone in your entire life, you don't know how you supposed to react or feel. You've seen many people receiving gift and they look so happy, maybe that's what you feel right now, you're just not familiar with it.

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