𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝟏 𝒐𝒇 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔
"Do you think dreams can come true?"
"I can't believe you're real"
"Don't cross the line"
"Only death do us a part"
"I told you I'm not going to leave you"
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"I still can't believe your father bought you a new car," Yujin mused, her gaze drawn to the interior of Jaemin's new sports car. Jaemin grinned as she stared in awe, grabbing for her seat belt and causing Yujin's breath to hitch.
Jaemin's face was closed to her, and she could feel his breath on her skin, sending a tingling feeling down her stomach. His cologne filled her nose as she breathed his scent, her favorite and made her belly dance.
As she took in his captivating side picture, time seemed to slow down. His dark black eyes, his silky hair that almost reaches his eyes, and that beautiful smile he wears whenever she's around. "You're so beautiful," she said.
The snort of laughter from Jaemin took her off guard. "Do you hear yourself, Yujin-ah?" he questioned as they drove to school. Yujin's cheeks flushed red, leading him to widen his grin even more. "Stop teasing," she send a glared.
"All right," he said, his gaze shifted to the road. Murmuring could be heard as they reached the school. "He must be wealthy than Hyun,". "His father owns a hospital in Seoul,". "Damn, he's young and rich,". "He's legit,".
Jaemin rolled his eyes at the sudden attention on him. The girls' eyes were now all over him, yearning for his attention. Yujin bites her lower lip in an attempt to stop herself from smiling. Jaemin's brows furrowed as he eyed her.
"Tsk, that habit of yours annoys me," he grumbled as he slid his book onto his desk. Yujin eventually let out a giggle as she looked at the sulking Na Jaemin. As she continued to tease him, Jaemin delicately flicked her forehead.
"Ahh," she grumbled. "Stop it, Mr. Qian has arrived," he said, his attention shifting to the front. Yujin followed his eyes as the first class began with a History lesson. "Stop yawning!!" the teacher ordered as several of them yawned.
"Minju I need your help," "Gladly,"
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"Hey Yujin," Hyeji said, drawing Yujin's attention away from her math homework. Yujin's eyes blinked startled, since Hyeji had never spoken to her in her school life. "H-hey," she replied. "Mr. Qian wants to meet you at the science lab," she stated.
"Oh- okay," she murmured as she rose from her seat and walked out the door. Yujin hummed as she headed to the other building, which held all of the labs. Her pace then came to a halt, "Aish, my phone," she grumbled as she continued.
Yujin's gaze roamed the lab, which was gloomy and only illuminated by the outside lights. "Mr. Qian?" she cried out, but received no reply. Yujin entered the sole room in the lab with lights turned on, but the teacher was not in.
A footstep drew her attention, urged her to turn back and catch her breath. "Hyun?" her voice trembled with fear. As he saw Yujin's eyes waver with fear, a smirk came across his face. "Finally, he's not around," he murmured.
Yujin approached the door to go cautiously, but Hyun was faster, blocking the door and hulking over her. "Going somewhere?" he said, amused. Once his hands swiftly clutched her waist, Yujin felt a rush of blood in her ears.
Yujin resisted his hand, but he was far too strong for her. Hyun drew her in closer, his other hand clasping her jaw to hold her in place. "Stop fighting!" he shouted. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it," he added with a smirked.
The anxiousness that have crept into her system, caused tears to formed at the corner of her eyes. "Please stop," she pleaded as she sought to free herself from his grip. Hyun has pinned her against a wall from that she can no longer escape.
Hyun's nasty smirk sent thrills down her spine as he pressed his lips on her neck. Yujin eyes widened the moment he suck her skin which certainly leaving marks on her. As she tried to fight him, her voice became louder.
Hyun covered her mouth with his palm as he brushed his nose over her collar bone, making her close her eyes in disgust.Hyun has unbuttoned her shirt all the way down to her chest as she struggles but fails to escape his strength.
Yujin was helpless, and her anxiety had weakened her. She can no longer fight, and her legs had given up on her, as she would have fallen to the ground if Hyun hadn't restrained her.
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