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It had been 30 days since the disappearance of Flower.

At the time, everyone had been uneasy. Flower was never a favorite contestant, but certain thoughts plagued everyone's minds: What happened to her? Did she die? Who'll be next?

In the first few days of the incident, many objects shrugged the situation off, rightfully so. Why should they care what happened to her? It was nothing serious. She probably just ran off to somewhere. "Good riddance!", they would say.

But as time went on, more and more people started to feel unnerved-- frightened, even. The newly escaped contestants from the LOL were especially afraid-- their first impressions on the world weren't good ones.

The northern part of Goiky, though different from the south, had proved to be just as peaceful and serene as before, at least, to the older contestants. Debuters, who had been cooped up in a hard metal box, with limited supply of any necessities, were more wary about the new location.

And an object going missing certainly didn't help.

Many days later, contestants took it upon themselves to find out what happened to the lost flower. The Master Recovery Center, which had been painstakingly pried from the streets of Yoyleland, was the first and go-to option to answer one important question: was she dead? If they recovered her, the entire ordeal could be forgotten and solved just as quickly as it started.

So, you can imagine their dismay when the MRC proved to be useless. Flower was alive, wherever she was.

Chilly ice crystals clung onto the air on that cold winter day, roughly a month after Flower's initial vanishing. The grass was laced with frost, as the crisp days of autumn came to an end and the frigid nights of the frostier season began. The once bright sky turned pale with snow, though the days became brighter as the morning sun shone on the icy surface below. Busy objects on the grasslands of Goiky, who would usually start settling down, were wide awake with apprehension.

"Are we sure she's.. missing missing? I mean, she could just be gone.."

"We can't take chances." Golf Ball had scolded her companion then. "Who knows what'll happen next?"

"I think Tennis Ball mayyyyy have a point. I mean-"

"Nobody asked you, Basketball. Just because you're a ball doesn't mean you have the brains to be one."

Golf Ball and Tennis Ball had been the first objects trusted with bringing back Flower, with Basketball tagging along with curiosity. I mean, who better to deduce a mystery than the best deducers?

But Golf Ball's horrible attitude and Tennis Ball's pushover-like demeanor had sucked away what little hope everyone had left. If nobody got to work, they might as well have stopped caring altogether.

"Well, fine then." Basketball had jeered. She had been fed up with how she was treated all the time and leave, not trying to bother helping when her help wasn't appreciated. "I'll see myself out."

Basketball would soon discover other objects who felt the same way as her. As she paced through the frost-dotted grass, other contestants crossed her vision, meeting up with friends or trying to enjoy what would be a cheerful winter morning. No matter how happy they appeared to be, the air was tense with worry, and almost fear.

"So, what do ya wanna do? Maybe, pick flowers or go draw or something?" Basketball had overheard.

"Please. Everyone around here is worrying their little heads off and you're concerned with the next fun activity we're going to do?"

"Well, I-I mean, better to look at the positives than stay in the negatives, y'know? Hehe.."

"Honestly, Saw, you are EXHAUSTING sometimes."

Basketball had continued her walk, looking around at all the objects she had spent her time in the LOL with. Nobody was getting along, but Basketball really didn't understand why. It was almost as if they knew something she didn't, because everything was happening so fast that it didn't feel like anything had happened at all. To her, this wasn't really a big deal, at least, not as big of a deal as everyone had made it out to be.

She wandered for a bit, before realizing that she was taking herself to the Bathrooms. A strange, yet populated area to be, for sure. Basketball jumped when the door next to her flew open suddenly. An object was heard.. shivering inside?

"Cold?" Basketball had asked the unknown object that day, as the sun began to creep farther into the sky, yet barely visible behind the snowy clouds above.

"Worse!" The object inside replied, poking his head out. He gave off a strange, warm glow that made Basketball feel a lot better as snowflakes fell onto her body.

It was Firey.

He glanced up at the sky nervously, and shied away as flakes of snow fell onto the ground in front of him.

"What's the matter? Allergic to the snow?"

"Pretty much.." Firey replied. "Snow means water, and that's not good!"

Basketball would stare at Firey, another image of an object coming into her mind. Somehow this person in front of her seemed familiar.

"Isn't there another one of you?" She asked. "A small, annoying, little one?"

Firey blinked. "Who?"

"Ah, nevermind." Basketball said, shaking her head. "Stay safe in there."

Firey peered out more as the snow started to fall more heavily, and he jumped back and slammed the door shut. Basketball looked at the building with a smile before continuing her walk.

As she would walk, Basketball began to notice that any tensions before were starting to lift, and as the snow fell onto the ground more, objects happily frolicked in the grass with their friends and began to have fun. Something hard hit her on the head.

"Ow, what was that?"

An object laughed as she turned around, shaking the snow that hit her. She glared at the object in front of her.

"Oh man, you didn't even notice!" He taunted her. "I mean, usually snowball tricks are hard to do but you weren't even paying attention!"

"Blocky, why the heck did you do that? That's not even funny, it's just.. mean!"

"To you, maybe. I'd say that was a pretty good prank!" Blocky spoke the last words as if he were speaking in front of a camera. Probably for his stupid show.

Blocky's laughter died down, though he still spoke in an amused tone. "Lighten up, will ya? I mean, everyone around here is so glum and always talking about 'Flower's gone, we need to be careful and make sure that we YAWN, BORE ME TO DEATH ALREADY.'"

Blocky scooped up another handful of snow and threw it at another object, who angrily hopped over to him while he was laughing. His two friends followed, and Basketball decided she should stay out of the situation.

As she turned in the other direction, she rolled her eyes at Blocky's previous statement but reminded herself not to be too harsh. After all, Blocky did have a point. She herself wasn't sure if Flower was really gone and if it really was that big of a deal.

Besides, she told herself, it's only one object that we're missing. What could go wrong?


Hello! danke for reading. I know this probably won't be the best story, but I'm still gonna keep writing, yeah?

anyways, this part down here is where i will put commentary or other notes/announcements, but don't expect them in every chapter :thumbs_up:

my warrior cats and wings of fire writing experience is making this story look.. good?? weird..

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