{9} Assistance and Aid

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     "Fries!! FRIES!!"

     The words of disbelief echoed around the warehouse, their source coming from right outside a storage room. The fluorescent lights flickered on and off randomly, buzzing like an agitated bee.

     Blocky's eyes drifted to the slain body of the creature, still slumped by the boxes in the storage room, and back to the object standing in front of them who had come to their aid. Over and over again, he switched his focus from the two biggest events that had happened that day. And, of course, he kept up his shocked cries.

     "FRIES!!" Blocky yelled, his voice reminiscent of the first time he had seen Bubble. Why was Fries here? Isn't this place supposed to be empty? Did he come from the same place as Bubble and why was he at the specific point they were at and where did he get that metal pole and is he real and why is here??

     Blocky's disturbed ramblings appeared to have no effect on the object he was talking to. Fries crossed his arms in a nonchalant, bored way. How could someone who had just taken out a beast be so calm?

     Bubble slapped her hand over Blocky's mouth, and he angrily shut up. Prying her hand away, he began to take control of himself.


     "Stop." Fries rasped. He narrowed his eyes. "I don't want to hear any more of that."

     "Sorry, jeez.." Blocky trailed off, losing interest at once and instead focusing on Bubble, who had walked over to their attacker and began studying it. "What is that thing, anyway?"

     Fries shrugged. "It's some sort of creature." He shuddered. "It was really, really sickening to look at. And- uh- kill." Still wielding the metal pole, he slid over to the entity. "Look, it looks like it's being eaten away right here."

     Blocky kept his distance. The horrifying figure, although dead on the ground in the storage room, was just as terrifying as it was only moments ago. He cringed. "Well, whatever it is, I'm glad you killed it."

     "Yoi." Bubble piped up. She turned to Fries. "Thoinks for saving us. Oi- oi still can't beloive you're here."

     Fries' gaze dropped to the ground. "It was just basic ethics."

     Blocky was a little surprised Bubble had agreed with him. Remembering how he had refused to help her just minutes earlier, he had imagined they'd be locked in a feud. He knew if someone had refused to save his life, he would be pretty steamed.

     Blocky shook his head and instead tried to focus on Fries. Blocky barely knew the guy, and yet he had the feeling he was going to have to get to know him, assuming they were going to travel together. It was still really, really hard to believe whatever was happening around him was real. Everytime he tried to think about the ordeal, however, he would always end up screaming and possibly fainting, so he tried not to linger on the idea for long.

     A sharp, slick noise snapped him back to the present. Reluctantly, Blocky crept over to the storage room with the slain creature as Bubble held out his pocketknife, which she had unstuck from the entity's head. "Ew, loik, Bloicky, it's all coivered with bloid."

     Blocky seized the knife from her and examined it for himself. The knife was dripping an ooey, slimy substance from where he had stabbed the dog-thing. The blood was nearly pitch black to the eyes, but as Blocky turned it under the light, it appeared to have some reddish tint to it.

     Touch it.

     What? Why?

     Touch. It.

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