{10} Abnormal

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     Blocky stumbled through the hallways, hopelessly navigating the endless realm. There were sickeningly pale yellow walls as far as the eye could see, all blending togther through their corners. The wooden object looked desperately for a landmark; anything that he had seen before to tell him of his surroundings. His heart pounded through his chest and his mind whirled and ached.

     He picked up his pace, now clumsily sprinting through the rooms, his feet occasionally slipping underneath him. He passed corners and stretches of walls, random columns  and even the occasional peice of trash. Everything all looked the same. It was jaw-dropping.

     Blocky skidded around a corner, and panicked once more as he saw a wide room, with three columns in it sticking out like a sore thumb.

     This would've been helpful if he hadn't already seen the room before.

     "I was just here, man!" Blocky cried, his voice abnormally frightened. He spun around quickly, the mono-yellow walls whizzing by in his vision, but did a double-take. What if that was the landmark he had set? Could it help him?

     Unfortunately, much to his worry and dismay, the room's shape was entirely different and the columns were gone. Blocky stared, mouth agape, in disbelief. He backed away from the room. "Come ooooonnnn!"

     Blocky's voice became increasingly more terrified. It was abnormal. He had never been on the verge of tears like this before, and he could feel his paranoia rise as well. Out of desperation, he pinpointed his vision on a random wall in the distance, and scrambled towards that way.

     The wall was large, but didn't connect to any other stretch of the rooms and was standing alone. Unlike the others, it was just plain yellow, lacking any wallpaper. As Blocky slumped towards the ground in defeat,  he noticed the pristine white baseboard had been stained black in some areas. It was super unnerving, but he accepted his fate and rested his hands on the floor.

     Blocky felt like giving up for one of the very first times in his life.

     He shut his eyes, realizing how tired he was and how much they stung. The overwhelming feeling of dread blocked his ability to sleep, but he didn't care. He let himself get used to the silence of the rooms, broken only by the background noise of the buzzing, fluorescent lights. 

     Maybe I'll just die here alone.


     A strange voice rose him from his thoughts as well as the ground, and he shook himself, eyes wide.

     "Hello?" he called. Blocky looked around, searching for the voice's owner. He spun around and nearly jumped out of his skin.

     Against the paleness of the walls,  the twisted figure stood out more than anything around him.

     It was dark, black, and foggy, with hands and tentacles coming out of it, reaching for your soul directly, curling its long, distorted fingers and OH MY GOD IT'S TRYING TO KILL ME HELP

     Blocky screamed panicked thoughts in his mind. He couldn't move. He couldn't say anything.

     What he could do was get a look at his imminent demise. It was huge, with a foggy black mist obscuring most of its body. All that was visible was the long tendrils creeping out from it, lurching forward and studded with dark, pointy claws. When he squinted, he could vaguely see behind the fog,  and realized all of its "limbs" connected in a jumbled mess and stuck to the walls.

     Blocky stared at the anomaly in fear. He clenched his fists together.

     Ow! What the-?

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