{11} Mindless Thoughts

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     Firey's hand reached out towards Blocky, but he had already been pushed towards the bird. Stumbling backwards, the red object bumped into the perch, nearly knocking it over. Alarmed, Jerry took flight, flapping his wings furiously and squawking at the top of his lungs.

     "Agh!" Blocky covered what would be his ears and staggered towards the door. "Shut that thing up!"

     Firey snapped his head in Blocky's direction menacingly. He appeared to be.. offended.. on behalf of the bird.

     Fries grabbed on tightly to Blocky's arm and hauled him out the door, dragging out Bubble as well. "We really shouldn't stick around!"

     Jerry's squawking echoed around the small room, enchancing the volume greatly. Blocky winced and glimpsed Fries doing the same. He heaved the two further out the doorway.


     Bubble snatched the flame's hand in her own as she was being dragged out of the room, taking him with her. Fries slammed the door shut.

     Jerry's rambling was audible, though being muffled by the closed door. Blocky took his hand off of his head and stepped backwards. 

     "What do we do?" His instincts told him to make a break for it and get as far away as possible from that psychopathic bird.

     Had his instincts ever failed him before? 

     Blocky pondered this question for a bit longer than he'd liked. What has his gut told him to do that he benefited from? He remembered back to the time where he had nearly dropped Bubble to her doom, and shook his head.

     There was no use lingering on feelings that weren't about his own safety, right?

     "We can't leave Foirey." Bubble piped up suddenly. She was holding the object, who was seething in anger, by his arm. Firey was shaking, but Blocky wasn't sure if he was in shock or was just really mad, or maybe even both.

     Using his free hand, Firey pointed at the wooden block accusingly. He narrowed his spinning eyes in fury. "You did this." He rasped.

     "Me?!" Blocky gasped in offence. "What did I even do??"

     Firey's reply was unintelligible, as he only made a low growling sound. Blocky stared at him condescendingly. 

     He realized, intriguingly, that although the fiery stranger's eyes were still shaped like swirls, they had begun to turn at a slower, steadier pace, matching his more rhythmic breathing. Even his speedy shaking had eased, instead becoming light twitches. But Firey's expression was still one of anger, and he pulled away from Bubble and took a step towards Blocky.

     Curious, Blocky took a step back.

     Again, Firey advanced on his enemy and took more frequent steps, to which Blocky countered with paces backward. His retreating wasn't done out of fear; the further Firey got from the room Jerry was in, the calmer he seemed to get.

     Fries and Bubble had wandered over, their footsteps echoing around the warehouse-like space. This seemed to alert Firey, and he turned around with a confused look on his face. He was still in a trance, but something about him was a little different.

     Sidling up to Blocky's side, Fries dropped his voice to a low whisper. "Stop messing around. Just leave Firey alone and we'll continue looking for an exit."

     "Wait, I think I'm on to something here."

     Blocky took a step towards Firey this time. The flame didn't respond by going backwards. He hardly even responded at all.

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