{3} Strange sights, for sure!

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     Blocky stumbled up onto his feet clumsily, groaning and squeezing his eyes shut. They stung like fury, but he didn't mind it as much as he minded the fact that he was somehow still alive.

     After all, that fall that certainly would've killed him.

Guess I missed those spikes..

     But as Blocky opened his eyes, a strange sense of doubt crept over his spine, because what he saw definitely wasn't his home.

     He gasped loudly, taking in his surroundings in a confused and apprehended manner.

     Ugly. Yellow. Walls.

     As far as the eye could see.

     Blocky initially noticed the walls. They were a pale yellow color, with a drab floral pattern sort of decorating them. The ceiling was white, or at least, it should've been white. The buzzing lights that were a sore to both the eyes and ears gave off an eerie yellow glow, turning the room a color that could make you almost sick.

     The floor under him was a carpet. It felt pushed down, as if a giant brush came and flattened it to one side. As Blocky took a hesitant step forward, he could feel it strangely squishing beneath him, as if there was some sort of liquidy water substance in it. 

     Blocky looked around, almost panicking. You didn't have to study very hard to see it was just one room - it was multiple? Bits of walls stuck out in some places and hallways stretched out in others. He shook his head in disbelief.

     "Either I'm dead, or I should really lay off those berries." He said, humoring himself slightly.

     Blocky sighed. There wasn't really much to the place, and he was half convinced he was dreaming. The air was moist and murky, yet dry and sharp at the same time. It was REALLY confusing.

     The wooden block sat down, feeling the wet carpet underneath him. He cringed, but shifted into a more comfortable place nonetheless.

     And he waited.

     Blocky wasn't exactly sure what he was waiting for. Maybe for himself to wake up?

     But as time went by, he started becoming more and more frantic; he started to realize that maybe this wasn't a dream.

     He pulled himself up to his feet swiftly. Distraught, his eyes darted around, taking in whatever hell hole he had found himself in.

Where. The HELL. Am I?

Am I still dreaming? Am I dead? No way this is real.

     Blocky couldn't convince himself of anything. He took a few paces forward, struggling to stay focused as the walls and corners moved in and out of his vision. It was really tripping him out. What was this place? Why was he here?

     As Blocky started walking, trying to persuade himself into believing he was asleep, the air around him got colder. He was chilled to core, in a strange way that couldn't be explained logically.

     The temperature dropped in a way you would feel a ghost's prescense.

     Blocky stopped cold in his tracks. His breathing came in shallow and sharp breaths, and he could feel his head getting lighter, as if it was leaving his body. He took a moment to regain himself. Maybe if he analyzed this place better, he could find out where-


     Blocky rubbed his eyes and stumbled backward. He opened his mouth to gasp, to yelp, to even say ANYTHING - but no words came out.

     He blinked, panic-stricken.

     Maybe the absurdity of where he was was messing with his brain.

     Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him as it descended into slow madness.

     Maybe it was all a dream, or maybe he really was dead.

     But was sure he hadn't imagined that movement in the corner of his eye.


woah chapter 3! :00

sorry for the late update! my spring break is drawing to a close and i just remembered this story exists!

tensions rising.. brain no longer functioning.. head empty.. no thoughts..

Once again, thank you for reading! I really appreciate your comments and votes, it really means a lot to me!

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