{7} Fluctuate

194 4 10


I remember the first time I had gone there.

I couldn't wait for the first opportunity to leave.

But I couldn't shake off this feeling that I wasn't meant to leave just yet.

Having a purpose is a strong burden.

I've never had a challenge like this before.

Maybe I'm just messing with myself. Maybe being fated with breaking through is only in my dreams.

I sincerely hope he won't turn these dreams into nightmares.


     The calmer buzzing of the fluorescent lights was the only sound breaking the silence for a while, aside from the heavy footsteps of a pair of wanderers. The soft dripping sounds of water and fog also clung on to the air, though barely able to heard unless you were intentionally looking out for them. 

     You tend to notice these details when you're stuck exploring, listening for anything that could harm you. Always on the alert, if even one noise could mean certain death, you constantly have to be watching, waiting, and listening, and leaving no time for stupid questions.

     "Do you think there's an electricity guy?"


     "I mean, look at this place!" Blocky threw his hands up in the air, motioning to the buzzing lights above. "We've been wandering for who knows how long, and these lights flicker some times but it's just.. bright! There's got to be SOMEONE paying the electricity bill."

     Bubble merely shrugged, and Blocky rolled his eyes. "I mean- don't you think there's got to be this one guy who's coming down here to- hey, hallway!"

     Turning to his right, Blocky locked eyes with a small hallway section of the area, which thinned out from the warehouse into a neat section painted with white paint. There was also.. something at the end.

     "Hey, Bubs, come on!" He called. Taking steady steps forward, Blocky entered the hallway, which was shorter than expected. He squinted, rubbed his eyes, and blinked many times. The light was unexpectedly bright, and he couldn't quite make out what was at the end. There was only one other logical decision he could do.

     He ran straight to the end of the hallway.


     Blocky screeched to a halt, in the way he had seen that one guy from that one video game do. He winced slightly as his feet roughly skid on the hard floor, but his pained expression lit up with joy as his now-clear vision revealed their savior.

     "Bubble! It's a door!"

     Blocky grabbed the handle of one of the doors - there were actually two of them, standing side by side in typical double-doored fashion - and heard quick, nimble footsteps behind him as his hallucination companion caught up with him. With a quick, noble motion, he gave the door handle a large yank.





     Blocky stopped pounding on the metal doors, and rubbed his fists.

     "Guess it's loicked, huh?" Bubble shrugged, an expression of dismay on her face. Blocky turned around to face her.

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