{13} Conjecture

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     'Keep going', it urged. 'Don't let him mess it up.'

     The words struck me in my heart. "But why?"

     'Keep going', it repeated. 'You must.'


      Blocky had awakened in a dream.

     A cloud of fog gently twirled around his feet, blanketing the soft, carpeted floors of the maze he was in. If he squinted, he could make out the color of smooth, beige walls, but for the most part it appeared as if there were none at all. He felt like he was in the sky, standing on clouds, yet in a safe, confined space.

     In this dream, however, he knew he was asleep. Blocky felt comforted by this fact, although he didn't really care.

     The area he was standing in stretched out for miles and miles. He surveyed the land, only being able to make out the distinct shape of the mist curling around the floor. He blinked. The air was cool, and a small breeze gently whispered past his ears. Err, if he had ears, that was.

     Blocky was about to sit down when something in the far distance caught his eye. He stopped, still, and rubbed his eyes together. The figure, from afar, was tall, and dark, though not pitch-black. It appeared to be more of a gray color, as if cloaked by the fog. It was approaching him steadily, but he did not feel afraid. He was in a dream, after all.

     Exploring the ideas of one's subconscious mind could be fun, maybe. And so, he started forward, matching the stranger's pace with slow, sturdy strides. But there was something off about how he initially perceived the figure. Blocky felt as if he had seen this person before.

     When the object stepped into the light, the grayish mist slipped off his face, leaving his facial features clearly defined. He had a tall, poised figure, white though accented with blue.

     Blocky was surprised, for sure. He wasn't shocked, but it caught him off guard.


     For a moment, he stood staring at his friend, curious at why he was here. He shook himself.

     "Hi Pen."

     Pen had a smile on his face that seemed to be lighting up the world itself. He giggled, and twirled around, his hands up in the air. Blocky was confused, but not in a negative way. He was happy to see one of his friends after so long, even if he was in a dream.

     Pen stopped, facing Blocky, the same smile still spread wide on his face. "Hi Pen."

     Blocky stepped back. "No, you're Pen." He said. The words naturally poured out of his mouth, though his tone nonchalant. "Or are you?"

     The world around him darkened, and he started to slowly sink into the fog, which had turned blackened and charred. Pen, meanwhile, stared at him with the same smile, and giggled again. His eyes were shining and bright, though as Blocky struggled to pull himself out of the smoke sucking him downward, he could only see malice instead of joy inside them. His friend's laughter gradually faded away and the fog curled around his limbs, engulfing him in shadowy blackness.

     As expected, his eyes fluttered open, and the dark smog slowly faded into the gray colors he had become all too used to. Blocky brought his hands to his eyes and rubbed them, the dream resting on his relaxed mind. Unlike his previous ones, he hadn't woken up in a cold sweat. The experience, however strange it might sound, was actually pretty calming.

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