{6} Cascades

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     Deafening sounds pierced the air.



     How long will you last in this endless turmoil of death and destruction?

     How much longer do you have until you give way to the shadows that swallow you whole?

     You fall into an endless void of nothingness and agony. It tears you apart, and you beg to let go but you can't. You're forever in the grasp of death itself, what little pieces of life you have left clinging on to your sanity to survive. Not even your sanity can last.

     It's not a dream.

     You're awake.

     You're awake.

     You're Awake.

     You're Awake.


     I'm awake.

     Blocky pushed himself up from the ground, rubbing his elbows in pain and wincing at the sharp stinging that pierced his side. He forced himself to open his eyes, a task that was difficult and painful, even, for his head throbbed and his bones ached beyond compare.

     Where was he?

     Oh yeah, those weird rooms.


     Instead of the usual bright, blinding colors and the musky carpet scent and the maddening labyrinths, he was met with a warehouse.

     One that was cloaked in concrete and was huge.

     His head stung, and he forced himself to concentrate on something else. He had no time


     If I'm no longer in those rooms, then..

     Blocky gripped his head, a shaky and almost terrifying grin stretching out on his face. It all hit him - the way immediate death just hits you.

     But it was not immediate death he was celebrating.

     "I'm FREE!" He screeched. "I'm back HOME! I'm FREE!" Blocky shut his eyes and laughed. His throat was sore, but he kept laughing and smiling until his muscles ached and he couldn't laugh anymore. "I'm BACK!!"

     "Oi don't think so.."


     Blocky jumped, the sudden remark nearly scaring him to death. He whirled around. Who on earth said that?

     In front of him was, well, Bubble.




     The sudden realization of what had happened in the last hour came crashing down on him, too fast to process. The rooms. The creature.



     Blocky gripped his head again violently, almost digging his nails into it. Bubble was right in front of him.

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