{2} The First Fall

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     Blocky grunted as he scaled the nearest tree, digging his fingers into the bark and pulling himself upward. It was a relatively easy task, though his fingertips ached by the time he was able to grab onto the tree branches and position himself on top of them. He scoured the land underneath him with his eyes, and found nothing.

     Where the HELL did everyone go?

     Blocky spotted a tree that was positioned many feet behind him, a taller one that sat neatly near a large mound of rocks, like a mini mountain. His tree looked shrimpy compared to it.

     If I can't see anything from right here, I guess I could try looking from that one.

     As Blocky climbed down his tree, steadying his feet shoddily as he descended, his arms were sore and he was about ready to give up. What business did he have looking for those dumb objects?

     Nevertheless, he heaved himself up the trunk of the larger tree, finding it to be a much harder task. But his stubbornness made him persist, and before long he found himself climbing through the tangle of branches that held the fluffy leaves of the tree. He pushed some out of the way and pulled himself on top of it.

     The view was almost dizzying. Every place Blocky had been to was visible, and then some. If he turned, he would see the buildings and landmarks that dotted the pale green grass, and he saw every tree that he previously overlooked. Behind him, too, were rocks and boulders and sharp stones that glinted in the sunlight and dazzled his eyes. He switched positions to face the rocks, and clumsily staggered to his feet, trying to keep his balance.

     Blocky had almost forgotten who in particular he was looking for. He peered over the edge of the tree, and shifted his feet. He cupped his hands around his mouth, and took a sharp breath in.

     "Hey, Bubble!"

     Blocky's voice echoed throughout the air, carrying a quiet ringing tone that pierced the silence.

     But his call subsided, and the world hushed once more. Blocky, once again, recieved no response.

     I swear, when I find that soapy idiot..

     Blocky raised his voice, and stood up dangerously higher. "BUB- AGH!!"

     Blocky felt the branch he was standing on shake, and his foot slipped, propelling himself forward. The air roared as he plummeted down to the ground, feeling his limbs go limp as he headed straight for the sharp rocks below.

     It happened so quickly, though, that Blocky barely had time to register that he could possibly die from the fall, if he didn't get impaled by the spikes first. Moments like these always went by too fast, leaving him no time to think about things, like how he couldn't be recovered because there was seemingly nobody around to recover him.

     It wasn't until he was nearly impaled that he realized what was happening, and had time to muster his final thoughts.

Well, shit.





hi! chapter 2 is here! I didn't think I'd be able to release chapter 1.. lol

I see this has some reads, that's cool! 

If you think these notes are annoying or anything, dont be afraid to lmk! I'd love it if you could show me that you are reading this, regardless if you enjoy it or not! ^^

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