{1} Morning Stirrings

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     The sun crept over the horizon, turning the Goiky skies warm and bright. Gentle breezes  picked up fallen leaves and flower petals, carrying them off to greater grasslands. Blossoms gave thanks to the bright, morning sun, with only drops of dew showing the spring rain that gave life to the plants before. Now the sky was pleasantly clear, with few clouds of cotton dotting it's center. Blades of grass as soft as feathers shook, and gave way underneath the sudden pressure exerted onto them.

     Blocky stepped out onto the grass and breathed in, taking fresh air into his lungs. He sighed. "Well, for once, it's not crappy out." He remarked, saying all he had to about the day.

     Blocky looked around, covering the bright, shining sun with his eyes. It was morning, which meant most objects were probably asleep or doing who-knows-what. There really wasn't anything you could do around here.

     "Well, I'm bored." He stated. Blocky shrugged and headed over to the one place he knew where he could hang out - Gelatin's Steakhouse.

     According to Gelatin, it took a while to relocate from the other end of the continent. Blocky didn't care; he didn't even know Gelatin HAD a steakhouse. But he and his buds would often hang out there, so it was the one place he knew where he could go.

     As Blocky approached the green steakhouse, he noticed something strange about the objects there.

     And that was the fact that there were no objects there.


     Blocky shrugged again. "Maybe Gelatin's asleep?" He mused. He turned around and headed through the grass again. Maybe someone was at the Bathrooms. Objects seemed to like hanging out there a lot.

     As the sun climbed higher in the sky, and as Blocky headed over to the Bathrooms, he was met with the same situation he saw at Gelatin's Steakhouse.

     "ARGH, where is everybody?" Blocky stomped his foot on the ground. "Hmm.."

     He looked around quickly, feeling bored as he was in the LOL.

     There's nothing to do, nobody around to make fun of or hang out with or- OH WAIT! I know!

     Blocky spun around, eyeing a hill in the distance. He started to walk towards it, picking up his pace as he neared it. It was sort-of far away, but it contained something Blocky wanted - a camera.

     Oh, and the rest of that cloud's collection, too.

     Blocky gasped for breath as he climbed up the small hill. He wasn't really made for running - he was hardly made for anything. Yet he found himself good at things he did - he was creative, witty, and brainlessly violent sometimes, traits that could let him do just about anything.

     Except for running, of course.

     Blocky stumbled up onto the hill, and pushed away things he didn't care about.

     Why does that cloud guy collect so many things? It's so useless!

     Blocky pushed away any unnecessary thoughts he had and seized the camera. He held it up into the air, half expecting glowing lights to surround it or whatever. Throwing it up in the air every so often, he started to make his way back to where he was before. He flipped open the camera and turned it on.

     "Hey guys!" Blocky shouted, waving at the camera. "For a prank, get the Bubble Recovery Center and place it over a spike!" He placed the two objects neatly in place, and returned back to the camera. "Okay, now I just need Bubble.."

     He shouted for his next victim, who was nowhere to be seen. "BUUUUUUUBBBBBBBBLLLLLLEEEEEE!!!"

     Blocky received no response.

     "Come to think of it, I haven't seen ANYONE today! No way they can all be sleeping, the sun's directly over my head!"

     He looked around impatiently. "If I'm going to find her, I need to get to higher ground." He thought aloud. He congratulated himself on using his brain, something he was told he didn't do often. "After all, everyone's got to be SOMEWHERE. It's not like they're gone."

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