{8} Familiar Stranger

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This pain around my head - I can feel it grow stronger with every passing minute.

Just to think I could be out there with everybody else.

Having the time of my life.

Their misshapen faces and bodies let out what now sound like ear-splitting screeches of fury and agony.

Everything's becoming distorted. I can't feel my limbs.

Of all the places to feel death's grip, why does it have to be the best one?


     The growling grew louder as Blocky stared off into the distant hallway. There was no clear way to describe the horrific groans; the deep voice had a high-pitched ringing to it that made it truly sound alien.

     Strangely, time seemed to slow down. Everything morphed, and as Blocky's eyes steadily adjusted to sudden darkness, tiny details became clearer and more.. visible.

     Of course, time only felt as if it were slowing because of the unbearable dread that crept over his back and made his blood go cold. His heart began to beat faster.

     There were a few soft footsteps that made tiny, quiet sounds as Bubble snuck behind Blocky and started backing away.

     A few tiny, quiet sounds too many.

     The lights flickered back on and illuminated the entire area as a dark figure peeked from behind the corner.

     Whiteness and blurriness clouded Blocky's eyes as he jumped backward, being met with a loud screech.

     Long tendrils of black covered the entirety of the manifestation in front of him, but bony, white claws reached out from its side and gripped the edge of the wall.

     "SHIT!!" Blocky screamed, whirling around and pushing Bubble ahead. She instantly picked up her pace, stumbling slightly as she carried the crate. Blocky ran as fast as he could, not bothering to check if she was catching up to him. The grayish colors of the stone and metal whizzed by as he sprinted for his life. The loud thudding of his footsteps was only drowned out by those of whatever he had seen just seconds ago.

     Coldness rapidly spread through his body as it gave chase.

     The sharp, screeching groans and growls now turned into grating barks that sounded scratchy and almost painful. Blocky risked a glance behind him.

     He could not see whatever he was being chased by through Bubble's distorting shape. What he COULD see, however, was how much Bubble was struggling as she skid on the hard floor and tried to carry the crate. Still, he slid around and kept running, blocking out everything around him other than what was strictly in front. A strange, sizzling smell entered his body.

     It was only halfway through the chase that Blocky, much to his dismay, realized he had been wielding the knife the entire time. To think he was in possession of the one thing they could defend themselves with and he didn't use it.

     Summoning the little scraps of bravery he had left (which themselves were mostly fueled by desperation and adrenaline), Blocky whipped around and, slightly skidding on the floor, came face to face with his demise.

     He froze. His muscles bunched up, and for a heartbeat, he saw his life flash before his eyes and he began to regret the decision of turning around, which really felt as if it were life-changing in the moment.

     The long, wispy tendrils hanging from the creature's misshapen and twisted head did nothing to cover the layers of large teeth that sat in its mouth as it leapt toward Blocky. He squeezed his eyes shut, and with all his might, thrust the knife in front of him.

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