Lenna: The Private Investigator

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Lenna Kingston's POV:

The sound of my phone ringing on my desk right beside my head is enough to cause me to jolt awake. Quickly I sit up, whacking my arm on the side of my desk and nearly knocking over my half-finished cup of coffee in the process. My computer screen blares in my face hurting my eyes as they adjust to the light. Case files are strewn in a mess across my desktop.

I look around the dark room aimlessly as my brain takes its time to turn on.
I fell asleep while working through some case files Dammit I needed to look through all these. I curse to myself.

My 'office' is in the main room of my apartment, it's a reasonable size for Gotham but in this part of the city the standard for apartments isn't high. The lights are dim, the air smells slightly musty, the floorboards creak with every step, I have buckets placed around the room to catch drips of water and the monorail sits right outside my window. This room consists of my large work desk in front of the far wall, bookshelves and file cabinets line the other two walls on either side and the wall in front of my desk is where the front door is. The door on the wall to my left leads to my small kitchen and bathroom and a door on the wall to my right leads to my bedroom.

I look up groggily to my computer, squinting slightly as to not strain my eyes. The time reads 4:03 am. Remembering why I woke up I look to my phone, which still sits ringing beside my arm. 'Detective Sam' flashes across my screen. Slightly annoyed at the disturbance but equally curious, I pick up my phone and press the green answer button. "Hey, What's up?" I say into the mic.

"Hey Lenna I'm really sorry for calling you this late but it's important."

"It's ok Sam, what's this about?"

"You know that recent missing person you were investigating, middle-aged woman? Husband hired you thinking she had been kidnapped."

"Yeah, of course, I fell asleep looking over the files."

"We just found her, she's been murdered, it's pretty brutal you should get down here. We think it's linked to another murder that happened a few days ago."

"Oh wow ok, of course, thanks for letting me know. text me the address."

"Ok see ya soon."

"Bye." I then hang up and place my phone back down.

I spin in my chair and face towards the large window behind me. It reaches from the floor to the ceiling allowing me an unobstructed view out to the surrounding buildings and streets. This is why I took this apartment, the rest of it might be shit but this view right here is what keeps me sane.

I can see out to the intersection on the streets below, dozens of large LED advertising screens light up the entire area with their clashing colours. Cars pack the roads, honking and driving, each completely different people with their own lives and problems reminding me how completely insignificant my own issues can be. Pedestrians crowd the sidewalks and surrounding shops mingling with one another and rushing off to their next destination. Trash litters every corner of the streets below, constantly blowing in the wind and getting kicked around by careless pedestrians. A few people sit on the sidewalks, leaning against buildings, jackets pulled over their heads, nowhere to go but to the streets of Gotham.

To the right of my view, I can also see the monorail lead closely by the side of the building, due to its degrading overtime every train makes an awful screeching sound as it travels past. But I don't mind, all the annoying noises and sights just remind me that this is what all of Gotham is like and if I can make even the slightest difference being a private investigator then I'll count it as a win.

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