The Case

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Lenna POV:

It took longer than I'd care to admit to hobble back to my apartment building, struggle up the stairs to my apartment just to get my keys, swap out my bandages and go all the way downstairs again out to my car. But I've finally made it to where Sam said to meet and luckily it appears the building has an elevator - no matter how rusty and worn it looks, I don't think I can take more stairs.


I pull open the elevator gate with a high pitched scrape and step out onto the floor. I make a point not to hobble or clutch my side, I don't want these guys trying to look after me. Especially when it comes to going after this guy, I wanna be right alongside them.

By the time I've arrived everyone else is already here, though it looks like Sam has just arrived as I catch him giving Gordon a handshake and the Batman the cold shoulder. Deciding I should say hi too, I make my way over to the group. Quickly they notice me and I muster up a smile, already hating the sympathy showing on their faces.

"Hey Sam." He gives me a light hug, his arms nearly hovering around me as if when he presses too hard I'll shatter like glass. To be honest It does nothing to help stop me feeling like I'm just a few chips of porcelain being held together by glue right now.

Next I move to give Gordon a handshake, he grabs my hand gently with both his and gives me a heartfelt smile, "I'm glad you're alright Kingston."

"Thanks Gordon."

Then I move to the Batman, his attention has already drifted elsewhere and I'm caught off guard when I follow his gaze to the cityscape, a magnificent view I hadn't realised was right in front of me. The skyline of Gotham lit up by the soft morning sun. The streets are already packed full of cars and pedestrians. I peel my attention off the view long enough to offer my hand out to the Batman beside me. He notices my outstretched arm and I can tell he's surprised to see someone taking notice. I can imagine no one cares to talk to him besides Gordon.

" I just wanted to thank you for what you did. So, thank you." After a few unsure seconds he returns the gesture, taking my hand in his gloved one and shaking it firmly. His grip is unyielding and it's refreshing to feel like at least someone isn't tip toeing around me. A little gesture to help mend the cracks.

"Next time I'll get there in time." His low voice cuts through the air and I'm about to assure him there wasn't anything he could have done different when Gordon speaks up drawing our attention to him. Was that a promise to me or himself?

"So, Kingston, we need to know anything you can tell us about this guy. We didn't find anything much in the warehouse, no fingerprints or DNA, Not even one of his clues."

"His name is Ethan" I sigh and take a deep breath getting ready to explain this whole mess. " He shot his Mother and his Father took the blame for his crime, later he was killed in prison. He sent me an anonymous letter wanting me, as a P.I to prove his father innocent but I couldn't find any evidence proving the fact. Now Ethan is going after anyone that was involved in the case, taking out his anger on the reporter, lawyer and ..." I gesture down to myself. "Private investigator involved in the case that killed his father."

"So do we have to worry about him coming after you again?" Sam's voice is worried, perfectly voicing the look on Gordons face right now, The Batman is facing away but I can only imagine his expression would be indifferent, he seems to be pretty calm about situations like the one we have somehow found ourselves in.

"No, He said that if I survived the other night then he would leave me alone. I know we can't trust him but that's all I can do right now."

That seems to put them at ease a bit and we stand in silence as we all contemplate how to continue.

After a few seconds of standing in silence I start to feel a bit faint so I look around spotting a few large crates a couple of metres behind where I'm standing. Needing some relief I take a few steps back and slowly fall down, leaning my back on the hard wood box, the concrete floor cold beneath my legs. The constant wave of pain from my torso just works to make me wanna bring this guy in more.

Finally the batman turns around, he sees me on the ground and takes a few steps towards where i'm sitting before starting, "We need to find anyone else that could be implicated, anyone that was a witness in his fathers court case, any police officers he would've seen involved on the scene or who are officially linked to the case, as well as anyone from Gotham State that could have been involved in his Fathers death."

It's quite scary actually, how calm he is and how well he can instruct others on a way to go forward, in another life I have no doubt he would make a good police officer. It also amazes me how well Detective Sam is going along with this, though I know how much Sam respects Gordon and he knows that Gordon respects the Batman. I only wish I knew what to call him except 'the Batman' every time, it's beginning to become quite tiresome... Perhaps I'll start calling him 'batty' or 'Mr. Bat.' I realise my thoughts are drifting when I focus in and the others are already mid conversation. Gordon is talking about some files he can search at the police station.

"I can look into who worked the case on an official level. Sam, maybe you could ask around and try to see if anyone down at the station has heard anything about what happened that night or about what happened at the prison." He stops for a second and looks around the group. I lean my head back against the crate behind me. "Kingston if you are up to it–"

"Always." I interrupt and he gives me a flash of a smile before continuing.

"You and Him" he gestures his arm towards The batman. " should head back to where you uhh– where we found you and see if you can find that last clue. If there's nothing there then you should find out where he lived when the incident happened because that is what this whole thing is rooted from. There could be something there." I give him a nod and I look over to my new designated partner to see his eyes already scrutinising mine. I am not looking forward to going back to that warehouse but I have to admit I feel a great deal safer knowing that Mr.Bat will be there too.

"You got it."

Gordon gives a curt nod of approval and starts to make his way to the exit, Sam follows his lead but the Bat and I stay put.

"Let's get going." Sam says as he starts to move.

I groan at myself internally. "I'll catch up with you guys."

The cape in front of me makes no move to leave either and I look up to him with a questioning look. Turns out when I sat down for some relief I never thought about having to hoist myself up with half my side in stitches that creak and sear with every small movement.

We have a silent staring contest for a few long seconds before he simply says, "You can't get up?" I sigh and don't answer, waiting to hear a sarcastic remark about how I should go back to bed and get some rest like I've heard from a couple people already. Instead he simply nods, no judgement or pity in his eyes, reaches his hand out for me to grab onto and pulls me up onto my feet, making sure I'm ok when I stumble slightly.

"Thank you."

"We should get going." He gets straight back to the point.

"Ok." I move to follow him to the elevator.

"We are taking my car." And I know there's no room for negotiation. 

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