Should've Done More

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Bruce Wayne POV:

Quietly we start to disperse, the others want to get some sleep and reconvene tomorrow.

Driving away from that warehouse, something still isn't sitting right, like I've missed a vital piece of information that could make or break this case. I grip the handle bar of my bike with all my strength, I feel the most on edge I have in a while. My heavy breathing fogs up my helmet adding a slight haze to the city streets.

The brisk autumn wind keeps me on high alert. The image of the crime scene haunts my thoughts just adding to the long list of horrific things i've had to experience in this city. Knowing I'm never gonna get anything done in this state, I decide to go get some rest and do some evidence gathering of my own tomorrow night.


I drive my bike down a few tunnels, down stairs, turning where I need and following my instinct from the hundred other times i've been down this way. The roar of my engine echoes out becoming 100x louder as the sound bounces off the hard concrete walls. The only source of light is the headlight of my bike which dims after every bump in the pavement. I press a button on the handlebars and a garage door opens ahead of me. It leads out into a dark wide open space. My 'Bat-cave' as Alfred likes to call it.

The roof is rocky, held up by a number of large metal supports. Marble stairs to the left and right of the space lead up to the basement of Wayne tower, abandoned along with the old Wayne terminal, the once pristine subway cars sit discarded, now left to the rust and grime of the cave. Bats swarm overhead, constantly moving and flowing with one another. I don't mind the noise they make, it acts as a sort of white noise. I make my way over toward my workspace and come to a stop, parking my bike and take off my helmet. Time to get some rest.


After sleeping most of the day away its now nearly time for me to head out again, i'm down in my cave, adjusting the front armour plate of my suit, the metal bat across the front has been a bit loose, and keeps threatening to fall, which wouldn't be good if it were to happen while I was on patrol. My gear is all laid in a chaotic mess across my desktop. Computer screens flash in the background and the whole area is lit up by large white industrial lights I have set up throughout the whole space. After testing the armour plate, to see if the bat will come loose and fall again, I see that i've fixed it, so I decide its time to head out. it should be dark enough by now. There ain't no rest for the wicked.

Hacking into the Gotham city Police departments archives and seeing what I can get on the old case mentioned in the folder seemed like a good start.


Somehow I find myself perched precariously on one of the stone carved statues adorning the roof of the Gotham city police department as I struggle to keep the cables I have connected to a few of the antenna up here from coming unplugged from my computer. Every time I shift my balance, my eyes look to the ground, reminding how far i'd fall if I slip up. The slight breeze from being this high up just adding to the adrenaline.

Data from old case files and pictures of evidence are streaming in across my screen as I download as much as I can from their archives.

Chatter from the emergency frequencies sounds quietly in the background. I listen intently just incase someone calls in a bat sitting suspiciously atop their station. So far there's been B&E at a grocery store a few blocks away and a few idiots vandalising a cop car but no mention of me yet.

Everything is going smoothly until I hear a voice I recognise through the static of the police scanner. That detective Grey that I met at the warehouse earlier catches my attention as he calls for help, his voice sounding frantic and rushed . "This is Detective Grey requesting assistance. Get Gordon Down here. Possible Kidnapping. Tell him it's Kingston."

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