Symphony of chaos

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Lenna POV:

It's been about a day since I woke up in the hospital. The nurses have been in and out the whole time to check on me and change my bandages but it's all been a blur for me, in and out of sleep. In the words of doc I was very lucky the knife didn't do more damage- which im sure he just said to make me feel better.  I got away with only a very minor surgery plus I'm healing nicely, so long as I don't move too much.

My dad left about an hour ago to get some clothes for me and have a rest. I heard that both Gordon and detective Sam popped in to say hello but I missed them. They left a bunch of flowers with a little note reading, "You get well soon and we'll get the bad guy." with both their names signed at the bottom. That's basically the only update I'd gotten on the case. Even though it's the word of a killer I have no choice but to trust Ethan when he said he'd leave me be if I survived.

Next to the bouquet of flowers sits a vase full of bright yellow sunflowers, no note to announce who they are from, but whoever left them had to have known they are my favourites.

The doctors say I can leave tomorrow if my tests all check out between now and then. I am definitely looking forward to getting outside again. I look up to the nurse currently at the side of my bed, he is checking my vitals and making sure i'm going good to go in the morning. "So, how much of a hit on my bank will this little endeavour be?" I ask, his focus snaps to me , a smirk on his face at my question. "Out of curiosity." I add smugly.

"Actually your medical fees have all been covered by an anonymous donor. It's all the gossip around the hospital. Everyone's wondering who donated to THE Lenna Kingston." he answers. He doesn't stop moving around the monitors, scanning all the data displayed as he talks.

I don't answer him, too caught up thinking about who did donate to 'THE Lenna Kingston' he finishes his check up and makes his way out of the room. Leaving me alone. I'll make sure to contact the medical director about that later. Whoever did do that shouldn't have worried, I can take care of myself.  


I've been home for a few hours, my dad offered to stay with me but I sent him away. I've just been sitting on the floor staring at my mess of an apartment. Luckily the GCPD have cleared out, they also took the liberty of replacing the locks on the door and the lightbulbs, I'm not sure of the extent of the damage on the place but I'm sure they took care of anything else.

The whole place feels strange and unwelcoming, despite looking as clean as new. (save for my missing desk) They washed away any sign of that night but they were unable to wash away the memories I have gained. Though I've already made my mind up, I message my dad telling him I'm considering buying this old building a few blocks away. It used to be the mansion and business building for the Kingston family back when they were one of the founding families of Gotham. Now it stands mostly empty save for a few businesses  that rent out the lower floors. My dad stopped me from moving into it a few years ago, stating it's time has come and it should be torn down. I never understood his distaste for our family building.

I can see it peaking through the skyline out my window, the beautiful bronze domed roof shining through the skyline. I'd definitely have to take out a loan but if I went back to work for my dad at the law firm part time it'd be possible. I sigh at the thought of ending up right back where I was, working for my father to help the rich sleazebags that run this corrupt city keep ahold of their fortunes and discreetly get away with whatever... less than legal activities I'm sure they keep up. Where I was unhappy enough to leave and start my P.I business.

Unable to relax or think in this environment I get up and walk out, taking only my phone and a coat. Slowly, still taking care of my wound, I hobble along the street, clutching my side, between the crowd and the buildings until the first hotel I come across. Without a thought I book a single room and crash for the night. Here in this second rate hotel in the bed that hundreds more have lay in, with the air thick with mould and dust is where I lay crying and grieving over the days gone, staring at the dark grey ceiling, cracked with age, covered with water stains. After my throat is raw and tears are all dried up I finally am able to rest and the weight on my shoulders might even feel a little less.


Silence, absolute silence and an unexpected wave of relief, no one shaking me awake, no phone ringing calling me off to another crime scene, no explosions, just complete and utter silence. Well, as silent as a hotel in Gotham can get. The air is so quiet I can hear my ears ringing. I stay laying on my back for a few minutes, gathering up the energy to move before the peaceful silence becomes suffocating. Swinging my legs out from the covers and onto the cold, worn carpeted floor I move slowly, ignoring the stabbing pain that still envelops me despite my slow movements.

Before i even make it to the curtains my phone is ringing and im walking back to the bed to pick it up. "Hey It's Lenna."

"Hey Lenna i know you just got out of the hospital but if you're up to it then we could really use your help on the case, your report could go a long way toward catching this guys."

It hadnt even occurred to me that Sam and Gordon might not even know who it is kidnapped me, and I'm now immensely grateful they let me have a few days before dragging me back into it all.

"Oh my god, Yeah of course, sorry you should have called me earlier.  Where  should we meet?" 

"No no no. that's ok I wanted you to have at least a couple days. I'll text you an address, Gordon says it's where he can meet with the Batman. Don't ask me why he thinks we need his help, we've already argued enough over it, he believes he can offer us protection and resources that the police department can't." I can hear him sigh intro the mic. He sounds more tired than I've heard him before. This case has taken a lot from all of us.

"Ok. Thanks sam I'll be there soon. Bye. " With a sigh I look over the room relishing in the fleeting moments of silence I was able to find and make my way out the door into the symphony of chaos I've become too comfortable with.

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