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Lenna Kingston's POV:

Street lights reflect smoothly off every surface, high-rise buildings pass by overhead, two toy dice swing softly back and forth underneath the mirror of my car which rumbles from the roar of the engine and the roughness of the road. One hand on the brown leather wheel, my other arm leaning up casually against the car door on my left. I stay alert while driving through the streets of Gotham in case some idiot in a car decides to pull in front of me or one of the many drunk Halloween costume wearing pedestrians runs out onto the street. To avoid the traffic I turn down side streets and take shortcuts following my instinct from a life of living in this city.


I pick up my phone, double-checking I'm at the right place. As Sam told me, 245 Oak Street, The Hill, Uptown Gotham. Tightly packed industrial warehouses fill the whole area, each just as rusted and rundown as the next. GCPD cars flood the streets, their constant red and blue lights and the sporadic movement of flashlights are the only sources of light in these dark shadows of the night.

I flick Sam a quick message, a simple "I'm Here." To get him to come and let me onto the scene, otherwise there's no way I'll be able to get past all these cops and yellow police tape.

I parked a bit back down the street but from here I can see Sam walk out from one of the garage doors on the front of the main warehouse building , turning his head to scan the area for me, his face lit up in a band of blue and red flashes

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I parked a bit back down the street but from here I can see Sam walk out from one of the garage doors on the front of the main warehouse building , turning his head to scan the area for me, his face lit up in a band of blue and red flashes. I turn off my car. The lights turn off and the area becomes drastically more spooky without them. Looking around the street I decide to reach over to the glovebox and grab my small pistol out along with its holster which I put on underneath my leather jacket, it sits snugly against my left side, making it hidden from sight. Dont worry I have a licence for it, ain't no way im going looking for trouble on these streets without something to defend myself with. I have had to pull out this gun a few times, though I've never actually fired it.

I step out of my car and into the cool alley, closing and locking my car door before making my way over towards the horde of cops. My footsteps sound loudly on the wet pavement, the sound of police chatter sounds quietly in the background, they all speak in hushed voices as if afraid someone may overhear. I wrap my arms nervously around my torso.

Sam spots me as I get closer and he waves me over, making his way to close the gap between us. He wears his usual get up, black pants, Detective badge hooked on his belt, white button up, tie with a long black winter coat over the top. Unlike me he stands tall, seemingly unbothered by the freezing cold temperature. His medium length brown hair is slightly messy and his face looks tired, I assume he was woken by the call same as me. Sam's around the same age as me and we've been friends for a few years now, we ran into each other on one of my first cases, he asked me out for drinks, we tried the whole dating thing but it never seemed right so we decided to stay friends. We help each other out with cases and have fun times hanging out. He's a good guy. I trust him.

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