Brave or just plain stupid?

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We search every square inch of that crime scene and still we turn up nothing. No trace of a clue, none of the case files littering the floor lead anywhere and there's no brown folder like at the last place. Defeated, we return to the car with no plan of what to do next.

"I'll call the others to see if they've found anything." I say, leaning against my side of the car, looking over the roof to the batman standing in front of me. He nods, silently scanning the surrounding buildings and area.

The line rings a few times before Sam picks up, I flick it to speaker so that he can hear too. "Hey. We've got nothing." I say, struggling to hide my defeat. All that was worth nothing.

"It was worth a shot, but i've got good news. It's like a gold mine down here. We found the kids file, There's a lot of good stuff." I give a sigh of relief. "Don't bother looking for his apartment." Sam adds

"What, why. There might be some leads left behind." I ask. I look up to batsy in confusion.

"Yeah I doubt it, the place burnt to the ground a week ago."

"Damn." I curse, lightly kicking the tire closest to me. Batsy flashes me a look, to which I give a smug non-apologetic smile. "What else you got?"

"I've got the man who killed Ethan's father."

"What? He said no one knew the details, just that he was killed in a prison riot or some shit." I scoff. "This whole case is a mess. Kid kills his Mother, Father takes the blame. Father gets killed in prison, Son takes it upon himself to get revenge for his father going to jail, which was his fault anyway." Rambling into the mic, I'm at a loss as to what to think about this whole thing. Maybe we do need a new system.

"Kid goes on a killing spree." Batsy adds from his side of the car.

"Yeah it's all gone to crap." Sam agrees. "The guy who killed his dad was a man named Peter Locke, it did happen in a prison riot but that was the guy who did it. We didn't realise until we went back and watched the security tapes from that day. My guess is somehow Ethan got his hands on those tapes and figured it out himself."

"So why did he wait until now to do this all, His father was killed a year ago." Confusion swirls in my mind. He's had months to do all this, he must've been waiting for something.

"That's where it gets interesting. This Peter Locke just got released from prison today. The damn kid was waiting for him to be released before he started all this, he's left his fathers killer for last."

"Holy- We've got to find him now before he finishes what he has planned and he vanishes forever." My voice is frantic and rushed, the thought of this SOB getting away sparks anxiety in my chest.

"I've sent some uniformed officers to Locke's apartment to bring him back to the station, we'll keep him there until we've got this all figured out."

"Ok, We'll join you there. Figure out where to go from here."

"Alright see you soon, ill go over everything else i found with you."

"Bye." I hang up and pocket my phone. I move to enter my side of the car when I notice Batsy looking at something over my shoulder. "What is it?" Nervousness starts to take over again. I go to turn and look what it is when he stops me.

His voice is a low warning, just loud enough for me to hear over the low hum of the city around us. "Don't turn around."

I grow stiff. I try to look in the reflection of the passenger's window. I can make out a dark figure peering around a corner of another warehouse a couple hundred yards behind me. My gaze shoots up to Batsy. "Who the hell is that?"

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