'The Movies and Books'

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Lenna POV:

After he left me in the warehouse it was only about one minute before the air grew abundantly Colder and I could no longer stop myself from shivering, I know well enough its from losing too much blood.

After two minuets I debated somehow taking the knife out and using it to cut myself free but quickly decided that would be both impossible and stupid. I long for my hands to be cut loose so I can wipe all my tears I had tried to hold in from off my cheeks.

After three minuets I'm having a panic attack as the events of today truly start to set in and I start to worry about my family and friends and how they'd miss me when I was gone.

The chilling conclusion I've come to is that, we always invest ourselves in fictional worlds from the movies and books where in the end everything turns out ok and the prince comes to rescue the damsel in distress. We end up believing in that troupe, expecting it to be the truth. Though a small part of me still expects Gordon and Grey and maybe even the Batman himself to come blasting through the door to rescue me from certain death. I've come to realise reality is not so forgiving. No one is coming to help me. I just needed to believe in that to escape the inevitability.

Four minuets in I was fighting to keep unconsciousness from claiming me.

And after five i'd lost that battle.

A loud explosion shakes me from unconsciousness, this is it, I'm sure. One last sick plan from the kid to make me pay, just a few more seconds and it'll be over.

A few seconds pass and the smoke clears. I try to distinguish figures but my vision is too far gone and all I can see past a few feet is blurred shapes and colours, the bright white lights not doing me any favours. Out of the smoke I think I see a figure, a man. I assume it's Ethan come to finish me off so I Instinctively start to pull at the ropes still wound tightly around my wrists but with the amount of energy I have left I can only manage a weak wriggle. I hide away, turning my head the other direction and close my eyes tightly just waiting.


"Oh my God it's Kingston."

"Lenna, holy shit."

"Lenna open your eyes."

Those words are what lull me out of the darkness, make me turn my head back and open my eyes again.

Detective Grey stands above me, gun held up as he scans the area for any threats. Next to him is Gordon who's looking at me with a weird expression and frantically talking to someone on the phone. It's the Batman who finally walks around behind me and cuts my hands loose, the relief from the tightness of the ropes is the best feeling but as my arms loosen and my torso moves the knife does too and I yelp in pain. I look down to the wound again, it's hard to distinguish anything except red, which isn't a good sign.

"Helps on the way Lenna." Gordon pipes up.

"We need to get her to a hospital Now." Batman says as he finished cutting the restraints around my feet. He stands up right in-front of me giving me a once over, "I can take her, I brought my car this time." from what I can see of his eyes I'd have to say he looks worried, whats he worried about? Vengeance can't get scared. I try to keep my gaze up on him but it seems intent on being stuck on the red , I can't seem to tear my eyes away and before I know it the red is turning to black.

"I Don't feel right." Is all I can get out before the calm of the darkness envelopes me for seemingly the final time. I am glad the movies and books are right sometimes.

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