** Author's note**

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Hi everyone!! it's me Quin again!

I just want to thank you all so much for reading this and interacting as much as you have - it's really made this so much fun!

I never imagined so many people would read this and every time I see the reads go up it makes my day 💛 I think we are over 6k now which is just crazy to me.

I know it's been a bit slow but I really want to create a story that you guys can enjoy and if you guys are liking it so far please comment! I really enjoy reading your comments and it helps my motivation a lot 😅

I've also been writing a lot more recently so I'm hoping to get back into writing this in particular more frequently to get some more content to all you lovely people reading this 💛

Anyway I won't interrupt your reading any longer - Thanks again for your support!

Thanks and Goodbye for now <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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