'Just a little adventure.'

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Lenna's POV:

The rhythmic sound of a soft computer beep, slight machine hum, whispers and chatter. When I open my eyes all I can make out is grey stained ceiling tiles. Blinking a few times, my eyes aimlessly wander the room as my brain struggles to wake at the same time as my body. I see a figure, someone familiar sitting in a chair, they're asleep.  It takes me a few moments too long to register that it's my dad sitting in the small chair beside my bed, snoring away, a frown stuck on his face, his suit jacket and tie draped over the back of the chair.

Looking around the rest of the room I find exactly what you'd expect of a Gotham city hospital room, dim flickering lights, old technology that should've been replaced a decade ago, tattered seats worn by the many loved ones and friends who come to visit. The curtains on the right side of the room are drawn and the clock reads 9. What I do wonder is how I ended up here. The last I can remember is Sam, Gordon and Batman storming the warehouse.

Slowly I look down upon myself, blankets cover most of my body so it's impossible to get a good assessment but I can feel the heavy layers of bandages tightly wound around my torso. My wrists are slightly red, a reminder left by the restraints. A series of tubes are currently leading from my arm to a hanging bag labelled 'Morphine'. My head is throbbing slightly but the pain has muffled to a light ache which is a relief. My focus travels round and round the room until I have nothing new left to look at. Before I know it my eyes are heavy and I'm falling back to unconsciousness. Maybe I could use the rest.

With sleep comes dreams and with dreams I'm given memories. A loud roar of an engine and sharp sway side to side from weaving in between traffic shakes me awake. A hand is pushed against my stomach holding in place a screwed up jumper as a makeshift bandage wrapped around the base of the knife handle. I look over to see the source and nearly yell out in shock to see the masked vigilante himself. His eyes wide and wild behind his mask, frantically flicking between the road, his hand holding the bandages and my eyes. My heart is beating louder and faster than I ever felt possible, my body is filled with so much energy it almost makes me feel sick. "What the hell is happening to me?" I ask in a flurry of words and after a few seconds I debate whether he actually understood my blurting.

"I was... " He pauses, hesitating before his next words." I was afraid you weren't going to wake up so I gave you a small shot of adrenaline. You'll crash in a few minutes but we'll make it to the hospital before then." The batman was afraid... That's unsettling.

The feeling only worsens and in a few seconds I'm sure I could either puke or run a marathon. Trying to shift my focus I take in my surroundings. The car is huge, mat black, pristine and new, and out the back window I can see a huge chrome engine built into the back, raging blue flames explode outwards from it, hurtling us faster and faster down the streets of Gotham. The fellow in the seat next to me isn't helping to make me feel any  calmer. Maybe it's the mask, designed to strike fear, or perhaps it's the fact that his face has been stuck in that terrible worried expression the whole time I've been awake. From what I can make out of his features anyway.

"The adrenaline rush will dull your perception of pain." His low voice speaks up.

"Good to know... Fuuuck." I shuffle uncomfortably in my seat, much to the distaste of the batman who has to keep his pressure on my wound. He's probably one of the only things keeping me alive right now. "It feels like I'm gonna have a heart attack. My heart is beating so fast." He focus's on the road, a new found determination in his eyes. My hands shake, one holding strongly onto my seat belt and the other clutching the passengers door.

I have to distract myself, keep awake and not think about how close to dying I am right now. "So wh- what do I call you? Do I have to call you 'The Batman' every-time I see you?" I lower my voice mockingly while saying his name.

He glances at me but his gaze is unfaltering, clearly not in the mood for humour right this second. "If you survive you can call me anything you like.'' His reply is definitely not what I was expecting but I appreciate that it's probably the nicest reply I'm gonna get from him at the moment. I just appreciate that he hasn't beaten me up or sliced me with one of his bat blade things like I read about in the Gotham Gazette. Slowly and silently the adrenaline starts to wear off, my heartbeat slows and all of the sudden I can't keep my eyes open. I think I can see Gotham General in the distance and I know 'The Batman' is calling out to me yelling at me to stay awake but I've just grown so tired and the light quietly fades away.

With a gasp I wake up back safely in my hospital bed, the car and road gone. This time my father is awake to greet me. His grey-black hair is tousled and his eyes are wide with fright and worry. "Oh my God Lenna, you stupid girl had me so worried."

I chuckle. "Just a little adventure." I cringe as a slight pain erupts up my torso. Note to self don't laugh. I look back up to my dad, actually taking in his appearance, I immediately regret laughing and jump forwards for a hug, ignoring the aches and pains that come with it. In my fathers embrace is when the events of the last few days finally hit me. I can't help the tears from streaming down my face as I clutch to him for dear life.

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