The Note

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P.S I made a new cover ^^ Photo above-  it's only slightly different to the old one but I hope you guys like it :3 - _reindeergames

S I made a new cover ^^ Photo above-  it's only slightly different to the old one but I hope you guys like it :3 - _reindeergames

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Bruce Wayne's POV:

I follow Gordon closely. My motorbike easily keeps up with his black car. He didn't tell me where we were going, only that someone was killed.

From the direction he is taking us I can tell it's somewhere in the industrial part of the hill, uptown. I've been in the area a couple of times. Nothing good comes from the hill. Most of the warehouses have long been abandoned, leaving them open to the use of the gangs to store all sorts of illegal shipments and act as locations of their suspicious endeavours.

We turn down onto oak street, the street lights slowly get dimmer and dimmer as the road stretches on, eventually, they cut out, all having been smashed or died long ago. In the distance, I can see the rhythmic flashing of police lights casting vibrant hues into the dark area. As we draw closer, Gordon parks a few meters in front of a beautiful old yellow Ferrari, even in this dim lighting I can tell how rare of a sight it is to see such a car in Gotham; most I know who have cars like that are too scared to take them out of their garages, for fear of it being stolen, or simply drawing unwanted attention. It brings a slight smile to my face. I am careful to keep my distance as I park between it and Gordon's car.

As Gordon steps out of his car, curiosity overcomes me. "Who's car is that?" My voice clicks into its dark, hoarse timbre, betraying the relaxed tone of my inner monologue.

Gordon's attention snaps to me, it's clear that's not what he was expecting in the moment. "Private investigator 'Kingston' must have something to do with the case. Cars a Beaut' isn't she." He asks rhetorically before turning off and walking in the direction of the scene.

In a soft voice, out of the earshot of Gordon, I add "that she is." 


I walk a few steps behind Gordon, letting him lead the way. The lighting is scarce, flashlights scatter every surface, reflecting harshly off the nearby windshields, moving frantically, following the eyesight of each officer. As we near the horde of cop cars, the already hushed whispers cut out immediately, the atmosphere shifts, becoming suffocatingly more tense as all eyes and lights swarm to us both, mainly me.

Judgemental glances, disapproving head shakes, slight shoulder shoves, this is the hospitality I receive from each and every officer. Gordon has to talk a few down to allow me access past the plastic yellow police tape.

Gordon gestures to the large double garage doors that lead into an old abandoned warehouse, the exterior displays the wear of years without any upkeep. Rust, grime and dirt cover most of the walls and moonlight peeks through a few punctures in the roofing. "Body is just through here" he states.

The light from a single desk lamp draws my gaze straight to the body which sits grotesquely  positioned in an office chair to appear as though simply asleep, save for the blood adorning her whole body. Forensics shuffle about the scene silently picking at every detail. Next to the murderous office scene stands a woman I don't recognise and a man, from the looks of his attire, I assume to be this 'Private investigator Kingston' Gordon mentioned. They both seem to be caught up in a discussion about the case but the man is the first to notice me. His face drops and he mutters something to himself, clearly not a fan.

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