'Maybe I'll go with Batsy'

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Lenna kingston POV:

The air is heavy with silence, not from the company but simply of what we know is to come. Flashes of the other night play on repeat in my mind, plastering my thoughts with images of my apartment in shambles, waking up in the warehouse, Ethans face, the knife, the explosion.

The engine is loud but we are driving at a much more reasonable speed than the last time I was in this car. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if he's earned a few speeding tickets in his time. To be honest I'm surprised we haven't currently got the entire police force following our asses, I mean this car isn't exactly inconspicuous, though i have no doubt that Gordon has something to do with that.

"Why didn't you ever join the police force?"

He surprises me with his question, up until now he hasn't really talked to me more than a few words, and i didn't mind it because i figured it was some batman macho thing, but i'm glad.

"Ahh well I never thought I'd make it as an officer so I gave private investigating a shot, though it can be more of a risk since I don't usually have any backup, I enjoy it enough." He gives my answer a nod and focuses his attention back to the road. So I decided it's my turn for a question.

I think for a few seconds. I respect him enough to know not to ask him something stupid like who he really is under that mask, I know he'll likely never reveal that to me. "Why didn't you ever join the police force?" I smirk, he gives me a side eye but ultimately sighs, knowing he has no choice but to answer.

" I believe the system can work, good cops like gordon help it but I also believe there's a better way."

"A way that involves beating up bad guys in a black leather suit?" I interrupt. He scoffs, holding back a smirk.

"No. A way that can avoid all the corrupt cops, corrupt lawyers and corrupt political agendas and cut straight to the justice." I nod, seeing where he's coming from.

"I get that, I worked long enough in my fathers corporate law firm to get a glimpse of all the money laundering, fraud and even murder some of the rich men and women of this city get away with. But sometimes we just have to trust that the good cops will win and the system will do its job."

" Sometimes you just need a new system."

I sigh, I see his point, it gets hard waiting around for change that's seemingly impossible while this city sinks lower and lower.

He sighs too. "I just want to help this city be better."

I think about that for a few seconds but don't get the chance to question him any more as we've reached our destination. The rusty old warehouse looks almost identical to the first crime scene I investigated with Sam. It also occurs to me that I hadn't seen the outside of the building as I'd been unconscious. You'd think it'd be less daunting in the sunlight but I still find myself filled with dread at the thought of going inside. What made me agree to this in the first place?? why didn't I offer to research with Sam.

He must see the fear in my eyes because with no judgement whatsoever he says, "I'll go look for the last clue. You stay out here." I must be in some sort of fear induced haze because I just nod and grip my seatbelt, staring at the police tape covering the front entrance. Internally I'm screaming at myself to move,to just stop showing so much weakness in front of Mr bat, but another part of me knows I don't have to act brave around him, that he's also putting on a brave facade and somehow I know he understands. I watch as he gets out of the car, carelessly tears down the police tape and is swallowed by the darkness of the warehouse.

Minuets go by, each adding to my nerves, irrational thoughts flood through me. What if it was a trap and ethan is waiting for me just inside that door, what if im dreaming and i'm still strapped to that chair, what if something has happened to the batman, if he's out cold then i'm never gonna be able to drive this monstrosity of a car. 10 minutes pass and I can't take it anymore. Before I can talk myself out of it I jump out of the car and walk through the dark double doors.

There's a few seconds of darkness as my eyes adjust to the light and the room comes into view. My desk and belongings scatter the floor, most have been blasted across the room by the explosion. Mr Bat is on one knee feeling through the rubble of case files adorning the floor when his gaze flicks up to me, his shoulders droop slightly though I don't know why, this is my own problem and I have to deal with it myself.

I make my way across the room towards the scene, the big spot lights around the room have been turned off, replaced with the few working neon lights in the large warehouse space, none doing anything to reduce the creepiness of the scene. As I make my way around the desk my stomach drops, dried blood still paints the area, my blood. So much blood. It sets in just how close I was to dying that night. I look at Mr. Bat, his gaze still stuck to mine as I make my way around.

"There's nothing here."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, the last clues were hidden so we could still easily find them, if there is a clue, it's not here." His tone sounds just as defeated as I feel.

"UGHhhh" In a wave of anger and frustration, I lash out and kick a mug that's on the ground next to my foot, it sails through the air before hitting the concrete and smashing in a shower of ceramic shards. Immediately regretting my outburst, my side erupts in a fire of white hot pain and I start to get dizzy. Before I know it I'm stumbling, my feet catch on something on the ground and suddenly the floor is racing closer. But before I can reach the ground, probably destroying my stitches and potentially leading to me bleeding out ...again, the batman is up from his spot on the ground and has me in his arms, safe from falling before I can fully comprehend what just happened.

He has me upright in a matter of seconds and holds an arm around my shoulders until he's sure I've regained my balance enough. " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I cry, "Ive been no help, please just do your thing and forget about me, i'll wait in the car."

I start to storm off towards the exit before his voice stops me. "Stop... Please, I don't want to do this alone... I do need your help Lenna."

I start to laugh, I can tell it catches him off guard. "What??" He questions.

I chuckle again, "That's the first time you've said my name." He still looks as confused as ever. "I don't even know your name, I just call you Mr Bat in my head." Now it's his turn to laugh.

"Mr Bat??" He laughs, and it's the most genuine and beautifully contagious thing I've heard in a while.

"Yeah it was that or Batty." He laughs again and I can't help but smile, all the anger and frustration has vanished and it's just left with this ache of joy I haven't felt in a long time.

"That sure is a new one. Just make sure it doesn't catch on"

"Maybe I'll go with Batsy." I say, we are both laughing hopelessly and for the first time in the last few days I feel as though it will get better.

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