The Heart of Gotham.

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Lenna Kingston's POV:

As I gaze out over the streets of Gotham for a desperate moment, seeking to lose my mind for a few fleeting seconds, my gaze is drawn to a spot high above the rooftops as a blaring beam of light flickers to life. The beacon all of Gotham has become familiar with, the menacing bat signal. It sparks hope in the hearts of all those who need it and institutes terror in all those who would oppose it.

Slowly I drag my attention off the view and back to my dimly lit apartment. I rub my eyes to attempt to wake myself up as much as I can and skull the remainder of my cold coffee even though it leaves a harsh bitter taste in my throat. I turn off my computer and grab my phone and keys off of my messy desk.  Standing from my chair I make my way around my desk and towards my apartment's front door. I grab my black long 90s style leather jacket off its hook on the wall and throw it on over my black trousers and green knit sweater.

I also reach down and put on my black scuffed doc martens, hey, if I'm gonna wear anything in this city I might as well try to look good.

I reach up to my door and unlock the 2 locks I have, stepping out into the hallway I make sure to use my key to lock them once again.

Each stair creaks under my weight as I slowly make my way down the flights of stairs and to the lobby, half the lights are blown and the rest cast a cold sickening flickery glow into the air. Ambient sound leaks from the surrounding apartments and muddles the air with clashing music, chatter and various other background sounds, creating a symphony of mayhem. The air smells of mould and alcohol mixed with a bit more unpleasantness making me desperate to get outside into the open air, although you could never call the air in Gotham 'fresh' it's better than whatever is stewing in this apartment building.

Finally reaching the ground floor, I walk away from the stairs and out into the lobby, instead of going to the front door, however, I take a right, following a narrow hallway all the way to the back entrance. The heavy wooden door leads out into the dark alleyway behind the building which is where I've parked my car. As I push the door open, the cold air hits me like a freight train, instantly making me take back anything I said about wanting to be out in the fresh air, the lack of mould in the air is not worth being this cold. Too bad Kingston, duty calls so suck it up. Wind wafts between the buildings causing a slight howling sound to be heard constantly in the background. Subconsciously I pull my jacket a bit more snug around my form and cross my arms in front of my chest.

This car waiting for me safely in the cold alley behind my apartment is my pride and joy, a 1967 Ferrari dino 206 GT, she lights up the streets of Gotham with her light yellow shade. You see, I wasn't always a P.I, My father Walter Kingston is the founding partner of Kingston Law, a Highclass corporate law firm in midtown, Gotham city. I used to work with my Father there before, (Much to his distaste) around 4 years ago I left to become a P.I, I wanted to help more than just rich sleezebags who wanted to buy their way out of lawsuits. The realisation crept up on me, shocked me into change so quickly I didn't really have time to think about it, I just knew it felt right.

Before I did leave I had worked up quite the savings which I now use to pay for most of my living expenses, and even though my father was against my leaving, he still supports my decision, and regularly checks in to see if I need any help and if I'm enjoying myself, letting me know he's still there. So far the answer to the latter has been yes.

As I reach my car I use the key on my keychain to unlock the driver's door, I open it and sit myself in, closing the door firmly, with a loud slam behind me. The grey leather of the seat is cold underneath me and the air inside the car is no warmer than that of the alley. I can see my breath linger in front of me for a few icy seconds each time I exhale. As I turn over the key, the engine roars to life, making the familiar rumble of the engine lightly shake the whole car.

My phone chimes in my pocket drawing my attention off the cold

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My phone chimes in my pocket drawing my attention off the cold. I grab my phone out and unlock it following the notification to 'messages'.

**New Message From 'Detective Sam'**

After reading the message I close my phone, chuck it carelessly on the seat beside me and start off in the direction of the murder

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After reading the message I close my phone, chuck it carelessly on the seat beside me and start off in the direction of the murder.

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