The Bat-signal

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Authors note: If you were one of the people who saw me accidentally post the start of this chapter at the end of the last chapter ... no you didn't. Also sorry if the POV is weird ill do my best to make it seem like it's actually in the perspective of Bruce Wayne. Anyway pls enjoy and ily all who are reading this :3

Bruce Wayne POV:

It's been a year since I first made an appearance as batman, thriving in the shadows of the night and the thrill that comes with taking down criminals. Although I know he means well, Alfred keeps lecturing me about making more public appearances and running Wayne enterprises but right now I have to focus on being the Batman, Crime in Gotham is worse than it's ever been. My parents Renewal initiative has made no effect on this city so I have to make a difference my own way.  If I cant make a difference, leave behind my own legacy, then I don't care what happens to me.

I'm driving on my motorbike, jacket hiding my suit and mask in my backpack, scouring the streets aimlessly looking for something worth my time. My big black motorcycle helmet muffles the sound of the traffic as I speed past them. The orange lights from all around the city flicker and cast clashing tones all through the sky. Adrenaline courses through my veins as I speed up and weave my way carefully between each car and around side streets. As I pull up to a red light I look at my watch which reads 4:03 am. I take a deep breath in, and look up to my surroundings, billboards litter the sides of buildings broadcasting hundreds of different images at once creating an unintelligible jumble of words. People crowd the streets despite the late hour. Litter and trash carelessly cast aside, tarnish the sidewalks. The monorail leads past the nearby buildings creating a horrible ear-piercing screech as it navigates past. Gotham city is eating itself, it's beyond saving but I have to try. Push myself. 

What distracts me from my scan over the streets in front of me is when a bright yellow beam of light suddenly flickers to life high above the rooftops, the beam falters before stabilising, allowing the population of the streets below to clearly see the giant bat now being proudly displayed on the clouds overhead. The light is a beacon, letting me know when Lieutenant Gordon needs my help, although, the light is also a warning, to all, letting them know that I am present, waiting in the shadows ever ready.

As the traffic light switches to green, I change course taking the turn to my right, speeding off towards the origin of the signal. My surroundings blur, I push out all other distractions, I don't have time for distractions, not if I hope to make a difference like I say I will.


I turn off the light on my bike before I pull up into the alley behind the abandoned building the spotlight resides on. I switch my bike off, kick out the stand and take off my helmet placing it on the handlebars. I throw my bag off my back, grab out my mask and take off my jacket. Now in full uniform, I make my way upstairs, taking the elevator to the top floor. Even though we have the bat-signal now, Lieutenant Gordon uses it pretty sparingly, though I'm not surprised I'm needed, Today is November 1st, its the night of Halloween, people get the sense that if they are dressed up as someone else for a night, there aren't any consequences. They can dress up in a spooky mask and they can get away with whatever crime they choose.

As I reach the top story, the elevator grinds to a stop, I step forward and pull open the rusty sliding door and step out onto the floor. With his back turned towards me I can see Gordon standing over close to the edge of the building, casting his gaze over the cityscape. Silently I walk up to his side, scanning my eyes over the view with him. Gotham looks different from up here, more peaceful. The orange glow from the lights throughout the city leak into the sky giving the city a dreamy look. Cars drive along the streets looking like ants scurrying along the dirt. Without a word, I turn to the lieutenant waiting for him to speak up.

"Thanks for coming." He says, peeling his attention off the city and to me. Still, I remain silent.

He sighs before starting."There's been a murder, the same MO as a murder a few days ago. Tonight's victim was a woman in her mid-40s, a journalist. Husband hired a private investigator two days ago after he came home to signs of struggle at their apartment leading him to suspect she had been kidnapped. We think this is just the beginning, but we can't find any links between the two victims, First Vic was a criminal attorney, male, late 30s, lived alone and was found in his apartment by the landlord. Blunt force trauma to the head. The body was placed at his desk with all his files shredded and scattered around the apartment."

"And the second body?" I ask briefly, taking in all the information he was giving me.

"Was just found about an hour ago, some stupid teens were exploring some warehouses by the sea gates uptown when they found the body, it was set up in a warehouse, anyway,  you'd better see it for yourself."

"Lead the way."

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