Chapter Eighteen

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A few weeks later

"Mommy! Mamma!"
I felt a weight fall on the middle of the bed and I smiled slightly.
"Good morning my bambina." I yawned as I turned towards our daughter.
"Guess what today is!" She jumped up and down excitedly.
"It's adoption day!" I reached up and pulled Caterina down, wrapping her in a hug.
"Mamma." Caterina whined.
"Wake up your Mommy while I make us breakfast amore." I kissed the top of her head and got out of bed.
"Mommy wake up!" I heard Caterina shout as I walked out of the bedroom.

"Good morning sunshine." Andy said cheerfully when I walked into the kitchen.
"When did you get here?" I asked.
"About thirty minutes ago. Vic's in the bathroom. We brought donuts." She slid me the box.
"This is why I love you." I smiled and set out three donuts for me and my girls.

Caterina walked into the kitchen dragging Maya behind her.
"I finally got her up Mamma." She said proudly.
"Sì, and you did a very good job bambina. Come eat breakfast." I slid her the plate.
"Coffee?" Maya asked sleepily.
"Sì. Your espresso should be finished bella." I kissed her forehead and moved around her.
"Good morning DeLuca-Bishops!" Vic exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen.
"Morning." Maya grumbled as she sipped her espresso.
"Are you ready for today mija?" Andy asked Caterina.
"Yep! I get to wear a pretty dress and everything."

"Are you okay bella?" I whispered to Maya.
She nodded wordlessly.

"Andy? Vic? Will you keep an eye on Caterina while we go get dressed?"
They both nodded and I took my wife's hand and led her to our bedroom.
"What's bothering you bambina?" I asked as I shut the door.
"I-I'm just nervous. I feel like something is going to happen. Something bad." Her bottom lip trembled.
"Hey, nothing bad is going to happen okay? Today is the day that our daughter legally becomes our daughter." I cupped her face and leaned my forehead against her's.
"I feel it in my gut baby. I can't help it. Today should be a happy day, but I'm so full of nerves."
"Everything will be okay. I promise. Do you trust me?"
"With my life."
"Then trust me when I say that everything is gonna be perfect."
Maya nodded and gently kissed me.
"Now, go put on that pantsuit that I love." I gently tapped her side.


My heart was beating out of my chest as we walked into the courthouse. I was carrying Cat on my hip, and holding Carina's hand with my free hand.
"Look bambina. All your Aunts and Uncles came!" Carina pointed excitedly.
I turned my head and saw everyone from the Station and a few people from the hospital, and of course Mason, dressed in their best clothes.
"Hey sis, you ready for today?" Mason asked as we walked up to him.
I gave him a tight lipped smile and nodded slightly.
"Look how pretty you are! Do you think I could borrow that dress?" Amelia jokingly asked Cat.
"I don't think it will fit you Auntie Amelia, you're too tall!" Cat giggled.
"That's the first and only time she's heard that." Kai, who Cat had declared ZiZi Kai, chuckled.
"Hey!" Amelia gently tapped their side.

"Hey you three! Are you ready?" Our lawyer asked as she walked up.
"We're so ready." I smiled.
"Come on, let's go ahead and head in." She nodded towards the room and we followed her in.
The three of us sat down in the very front, and our family piled behind us.
"It'll be okay Mommy." Cat reached an squeezed my hand.
"I know baby. I'm just excited for you to be a DeLuca-Bishop." I kissed the top of her head.

"Excuse me." Our lawyer excused herself as her phone buzzed.
"I love you my bambinas." Carina smiled at the both of us.
"We love you Mamma!" Cat giggled.
We sat in silence for a few moments, Caterina played with Carina's rings, until our lawyer came back.
"We have a problem." She whispered as she sat down next to us.
I felt my heart drop, "What?"

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