Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I woke up sandwiched between the two pregnant women. Carina had her leg around my legs, and her head was resting on my chest. Vic was on her stomach as much as she possibly could, and her arm was thrown over my face. There was no way I was getting out of this bed without waking one of them up. And God knows I didn't want to do that.
Vic rolled, and her arm flew away from my face.
I slid out of my wife's arms, and tip toed out of the bedroom.
I yawned as I made my way towards the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. Carina has been cranky without her coffee, but she knows that it's for the best. I grabbed my phone and ordered breakfast, choosing different items just to be safe.

I heard feet shuffling behind me, and smiled as my wife's arms slid around my waist.
"Good morning beautiful."
"Morning bella." Carina nuzzled her face into the back of my neck.
"I just ordered breakfast. It should be here in twenty." I turned in her arms and kissed her cheek gently.
"Thank you Bamb-"
"Guys! We have to go to the hospital!" Vic ran, or rather waddled, into the kitchen in her pajamas.
"What's wrong? Is it Andy? Is it the baby?" Carina grabbed the keys from the counter and tossed them to me as she moved to put her shoes on.
"Andy, she's- she's awake!"


We ran as fast as we could into the hospital, and saw Bailey waiting for us outside of Andy's room.
"Is it true? You weren't lying?" Vic asked breathlessly.
"It's true. Andy's awake and asking for her team." Bailey smiled happily.
"Oh thank goodness." I breathed out.

Vic ran into the room and smiled brightly as she looked at her wife.
"Vic!" Andy gave her a huge smile.
"Oh, Andy! Thank God you're awake." Vic sat on the bed and grabbed Andy's hands.
"How long have I been out?" Andy was staring at Vic's belly.
"A little over a week. God I've missed you so much." Vic kissed Andy's hands, and Andy gave her a shocked expression.
"I've been out for a week and you're that pregnant?"

"Andrea? What's the last thing you remember?" I asked as I looked over her chart.
"I remember... you guys telling me that you're pregnant?" Andy scrunched up her face. "I don't know. Everything is a little fuzzy."
"Excuse me." Vic stood up and walked out of the room.
"You go. I'll talk to Andy." Maya moved and took Vic's spot on the bed.

I followed our friend, and watched her lean against the wall and cover her face with her hands.
"She doesn't remember me, Carina. She doesn't remember our son." Vic sobbed.
"Veni qui." I closed the distance between us and took her into my arms.
"It'll be okay, Victoria. She'll get her memory back." I gently rubbed her back.
"But what if she doesn't, Carina? What if I never get my wife back? What if our son doesn't get his Mami back?"

"Vic?" Maya walked over quietly. "Andy wants to see you."
"Okay." Vic took a deep breath and wiped her face. "Can- Can you guys go with me?"
"Of course, we'll be right behind you."

The three of us walked back to the room, where Andy was sitting staring at the ring in her hand.
"We're married?" She asked quietly.
"You told her?" I whispered to Maya.
"She asked who got Vic pregnant and why there was a ring on her nightstand." She whispered back.

"Yeah. We're married." Vic sat down on the bed.
"And that's my kid?"
"Our son. Alexander Pruitt Herrera."
Andy played with her fingers and took a deep breath.
"Why can't I remember?" Andy looked up at me.
"Post-traumatic amnesia. It can last from a few minutes to a couple weeks, depending on the severity of the brain injury."

"A few weeks?" Andy's bottom lip wobbled.
"Hey, it's okay. You'll remember. And I'll help you. We'll all help you." Vic grabbed Andy's hands and squeezed tightly.
"According to your charts you're recovering remarkably well. You should be able to come home tomorrow." I spoke up.
"Maya and Carina have turned their basement into a room for us and the baby. They said we can stay there as long as we need."

Travis burst into the room breathing heavily. "I came as soon as I could. Everyone else is on their way. You're okay?"
"I'm okay, Montgomery. Come on, I know you're dying to hug us." Andy chuckled.
Travis rushed over and crushed the two women into a hug.
"Watch the baby!" Andy scolded, moving her hand protectively over Vic's belly.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm just glad you're okay."

The next day

"Okay. I've moved everything that Andy could trip over, I set up the mini fridge in the basement so she doesn't have to make too many trips up the stairs."
"Did you-"
"Give them extra sheets and covers? Yes."
"Washed, dried, and folded all their laundry? Yes."
"You're such a good friend." Carina smiled and kissed my forehead.
"And you're such a good wife. You know that?"
"You want something, don't you."
"Maybe..." I smiled and let my hands wander down to rest on her hips.
"Bambina, Travis will be dropping them off any minute."
"I bet I can get you off in less than a minute." I whispered as I nibbled on her ear.
"Maya." Carina whined.

"Honeys we're home!" Travis called out as the front door opened.
"Tonight. I promise." Carina pecked my lips and walked to the front door.
"Okay, now watch your step there's a step there." Vic was helping Andy up the stairs.
I rushed over and grabbed Andy's other side and shooed Vic away.
"Guys. I've been out of it for a week. Not a year. I can walk." Andy sighed.
"We're just helping, ole stubborn ass." I chuckled.

We helped Andy to the couch, and all reached out our hands as she went to sit down.
"Guys! I'm fine!" Andy huffed as she shoed our hands away.
"What do you want for dinner tonight ba- Andy?" Vic sat down next to Andy.
"I'd kill for some of my Dad's burritos right now." Andy smiled softly at the memory of her Dad making everyone dinner.
"Good thing I remember how to make them." Vic held out her hand and Travis helped her up.
"Trav. We're going to the store." Vic stated.

"I'll text the team and ask them to come over for dinner." I grabbed my phone and sent a message to our group chat.
"And I'll sit here with Andy and keep her company!" Carina happy plopped down on the couch.

"Come on Vic, I wanna get back before the team does." Trav grabbed his keys and they went to walk away.
"Wait!" Andy called out and struggled to stand up.
I quickly grabbed her hand and helped her stand.

"You okay? What's wrong?" Vic asked worriedly.
"I uh- I just felt like I should um..." Andy nervously glanced at all of us.
"We'll be in the other room." Carina said as she stood and took my hand.

The three of us walked into the kitchen, and peeked over the wall to spy on our friends.
"What's wrong Andy?" Vic lifted Andy's chin gently.
"I don't know. I just felt the need to kiss you goodbye but- I still can't remember anything." We saw Andy's chin wobble slightly.
"Do you want to kiss me, Andrea?" Vic whispered so quietly we could hardly hear her.
"Can I?"

Vic smiled slightly and closed the distance between the two women.

We heard a loud crash, and turned to see Travis had leaned on the rolling counter and knocked over the pans on top.
"Quit spying on me and my wife you freaking pervs!" Vic laughed.
"We don't know what you're talking about." I chuckled.
"Okay. I have to go now." Vic gently pecked Andy's lips and walked to the door.

"I just want to remember my wife." Andy whispered.

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