Chapter 1 - Silencing a Snitch

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Pablo Ricci was a well-known snitch around the city and now he was in some seriously deep shit; that much he knew for certain!

The middle-aged bald construction manager had been grabbed in the middle of the night from his place of business and brought to this mysterious location by several men wearing well-pressed black business suits.

These men worked for the incredible rich and infamous Mafia Boss, Dante Romano.

The heavily armed men were after information and rumour had it that Pablo possessed this particular key piece of information.

His heart was thumping loudly over and over within his hairy chest as he knelt in silence on the hardened cement floor of a small, dimly-lit room.

The air around him smelt of copper; usually an unfortunate telling sign of blood being nearby in their type of industry; waste management, so to speak.

A black silken sack had been pulled over his head, ever since he was first grabbed and even now it remained in place, preventing him from seeing anything around him.

Pablo was currently surrounded by several well-dressed Mafia henchmen, each was armed and fully prepared to put him down if and when they were given the signal to do so.

Swallowing nervously, Pablo listened in as he suddenly heard the approaching sound of expensive Italian loafers clapping across the cement floor, one agonisingly slow footstep after another.

Someone was coming closer.

"Who's there?" he called out, his head turning around from side to side in an effort to see something, anything!

"Someone tell me why I'm here. Why have you brought me here?"

"You know why you're here Pablo."

Dante's voice was deep and silky smooth as he tapped the end of his cigarette and caused a small amount of silver ash to fall towards the ground in front of their captive. He then went on to casually lift the cigarette up to meet his lips again and took another long drag.

His eyes sparkled in light of the cigarette's burning ash.

Within an instance the silk hood was pulled off Pablo's head by one of the henchman. As it was, it revealed the room to their captive and Pablo squinted his eyes from the sudden blinding light.

It took a moment for his eye sight to adjust to the dim lighting but eventually he could see everything, including the dangerously intimidating Mafia Boss standing less than a metre in front of him, casually smoking a cigarette.

His heart sank upon realising what this meant.


Pablo spoke a whisper of disbelief as he began to sweat nervously.

He was in deep shit alright!

"Tell me where he is, and I might decide to be lenient with you." Dante continued to press, his tone of voice unusually calm.

"Please, I don't know what you're talking about..." Pablo began to beg.

Dante had always hated begging.

Rolling his glistening green eyes with frustration, he turned and nodded his head towards the henchman standing beside their kneeling captive.

Pablo saw this and panicked.

"Dante, please, I don't know..."

Nicola, the giant-of-a-man with the gun standing beside the kneeling Pablo quickly moved in on their captive, proceeding to cock the black glock he had been holding onto and then place the weapon's nozzle firmly up against the side of Pablo's bald head.

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