Chapter 4 - Who Says Chivalry is Dead?

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With such a burly appearance, the Reaper's second-in-command Nicola had always come across as terrifying in the past.

Perhaps it was merely a mixture of his massive build and incredible skill with a gun, who knew?

But he hadn't meant to frighten poor Alexa just now.

Beneath his beast-like appearance Nicola was as gentle as a mouse.

"Nic, come on already." Luca called out from the driver's seat once more.

With a huff and ignoring Luca's countless verbal suggestions, Nicola instead reached down and scooped up the featherweight woman in both of his arms.

He proceeded to carry her across towards the car where one of the back seat door's had been left open for him.

"What the hell is this?" Stefano asked with a brutal frown creasing his darkened brow.

"Have you gone soft, Nicola?"

"Move the fuck over stronzo!" (asshole)

The giant cut him off with a frustrated tone to his voice.

"You know this is a bad idea Nic..."

Luca spoke with warning from his position in the driver's seat.

Using the rear-view mirror, he continued to watch what was going on in the backseat with intrigue.

His gloved hands tightened nervously on the steering wheel.

"Yeah, yeah. Just do your job and drive Luc." Nicola quickly countered.

In no time the unconscious Alexa had been placed laying down on her side on the backseat beside where Stefano was sitting to the far left.

Nicola closed the car door and made his way around the car, getting into the passenger seat and closing the door.

Seconds later the car was reversing out of the alleyway, turning off onto the main road and speeding off into the distance.

As the car drove along with the three men seated and the unconscious woman they now had accompanying them, Nicola turned his head to the side as he spoke to Stefano in the backseat.

"Stef, check her ID for an address, will you?" he commanded.

"We're working as Uber drivers now, are we?" Luca joked with a smile.

He quickly flinched as Nicola gave him a backhand to his shoulder.

"Hey... Ow!"

"Just do it!" Nicola snapped, rolling his eyes.

"Ok, ok... no need to go and get all physical on us, big guy." Stefano huffed.

Reaching out to grab Alexa's handbag from the floor of the car's backseat, he then lifted it up into his lap.

"Don't need to get your panties in a twist..." he added menacingly.

Nicola merely growled, restraining himself for now.

After rummaging around for her wallet, Stefano found the mystery woman's ID and an address on it for them to drop her off.

"Ah, here we are..." he announced, holding up her licence.

"A Miss Alexa Daisy Myers. Oh Daisy, that's sweet..."

Stefano grinned as he continued to report his findings about this mystery woman they had just saved.

"Let's see, she's twenty-five... hmmm... you know I like 'em young."

"Just give it here!"

Nicola snapped sternly, holding out his large hand.

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