Chapter 17 - Making an Example

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Alexa noticed that there were a group of men standing just inside of the entryway to the warehouse as she and Dante walked in together.

Their eyes all locked onto her for a moment, and she eyed them with caution before Dante decided to take control of the scene, as per the usual.

"Where?" he asked, glancing across at none other than Nicola who had just approached them.

"Downstairs boss." Nicola replied, his eyes darting toward Alexa for a moment before adding, "Uh, boss... should she be here?"

Dante looked him dead in the eye as he spoke.

"The lovely Miss Myers and I are still in the middle of our dinner, Nicola." he went on to explain a little more.

"I promised her dessert before we organise signing her contract... and as you well know, I always keep my promises."

Nicola seemed uneasy about Alexa's presence in a dangerous place such as this, and he let out a heavy sigh before twisting his lips awkwardly off to the side.

"It's just... well, this might not be the kind of thing she wants to see you know?"

Dante appeared to take his suggestion on board, considering what he said and what he had meant by it.

Nicola was right.

A second later, he nodded his head and turned to face Alexa as she waited patiently behind him with his expensive black suit jacket draped over her shoulders.

It made her look tiny in comparison.

"I need to go and see to something downstairs, bella. The boys here will keep watch over you until I return."

Ignoring the new nickname he had chosen to use for her, Alexa instantly panicked at the thought of several strange men watching over her.

Was he really going to leave her here, all alone with them?

"Wait, please! I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. I mean, you're not really going to leave me alone with several strange men, right?"

He appeared baffled by her concern.

"I can vouch for every one of these men, Miss Myers. They will keep you safe, I assure you."

She still seemed hesitant.

"Still... it's just that... I don't know any of them."

She looked off to the side where the group were still standing, some of them watching her with demeaning smirks spread across their faces.

It gave her the feeling that they would jump her the moment they got the chance. The moment their boss had left.

Dante could see it was causing her obvious discomfort and felt that he couldn't allow that.

Then an idea crossed his mind and he smiled.

"You've already met Nicola here, correct?" he gestured towards his second-in-command with his hand as he spoke.

Alexa looked to Nicola and nodded in agreement.

"Yes. We met earlier on this evening at the restaurant."

This wasn't exactly a lie. Part of her response was truthful, though she obviously failed to admit that they had met once before tonight.

When he ultimately chose to save her life.

Nodding, Dante had made his decision.

"Very well then. Nicola, you will remain here to watch over Miss Myers in my absence." he commanded.

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