Chapter 22 - Taking Off

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After getting herself ready for her first day of working for the infamous Dante Romano, Alexa was excited as she quickly grabbed her things and headed downstairs to meet her new driver.

It was seven twenty-five on the dot and she still needed to lock up her apartment before heading downstairs.

She was determined to be right on time.

Making her way down the outside staircase, she strolled towards the curb and her eyes locked onto the young Italian man leaning back against the sleek black town car behind him.

Like the other men working with her newest boss, he was quite handsome. He wore a dark grey suit and tie, and shiny black snake skin loafers on his feet.

As soon as he noticed her approaching the car, he quickly straightened his posture, adjusted his jacket and pushed off the car.

She watched as he strolled towards her, greeting her with a polite smile.

"Miss Myers, I presume?"

Alexa noticed that he had a much thicker Italian accent when he spoke. Perhaps English was his second language or something?

"That's me. And you are?"

She smiled and reached out her hand for him to shake it in polite greeting. As he shook her hand, Cecilio noticed just how confident this woman appeared to be.

"Cecilio." he replied warmly.

His eyes unknowingly scanned her from head to foot for a moment before he spoke again.

"I will be your loyal driver from today onwards."

He playfully bowed at her.

"Are you always this playful?" she chuckled to herself.

"Only in the company of beautiful women."

Her eyes narrowed, though she smiled, "Is that so?"

He merely smiled back at her.

Cecilio then turned and grasped at the car door handle, opening it for her to climb on inside. And she quickly obliged.

"Why thank you." she said as she carefully slid into the car and sat down on the smooth leather seat before the door was closed after her.

Soon after they were headed on their way to work.

The drive had taken around an hour or so before Alexa finally felt the car come to a complete halt, followed by Cecilio quickly exiting the car.

He jogged around to open her door for her. A truly chivalrous act, if she did say so herself.

Quickly sliding her laptop back into her portable bag, she curiously peered out through the heavily tinted window to see where they were.

They appeared to be on some sort of tarmac. Were they at an airport?

Confused as to why she would have been driven here, she watched as Cecilio opened her door and allowed her to carefully exit the car.

As she stood and looked around, she saw the sleek silver jet waiting not too far away from where they had parked. Her mouth parted slightly in wonder.

Were they flying somewhere?

Not that it would have been a problem, she had a valid passport and all of her identification on her to be able to travel anywhere in the world if required.

But she honestly didn't expect to be traveling anywhere far away this soon.

Dante had certainly not given her any warning of traveling today and she hadn't had the chance to inform Willow of her apparent scheduled departure.

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