Chapter 27 - Raising the Stakes

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"Alright, time for a game." Matteo announced with a sinister grin spread wide across his face.

Alexa gave a small laugh and shook her head at him.

"You Romano's and your drinking games..."

Both Roberto and Matteo shared a confused glance at her words, but Matteo didn't seem to budge at the idea of proceeding.

He was determined to woe the beautiful woman working for his eldest brother; damn the consequences and his brother's warning.

When one of the Romanos had their sights set on something or someone they wanted, nothing could stand in their way!

Matteo simply turned to face Alexa now with a challenging stare.

He too had emerald green eyes just like his two other brothers; a family trait perhaps.

"Ever play spin the bottle, bellissima?" (gorgeous)

As Alexa gave a shy giggle in response, Dante suddenly spoke up, enforcing his power over them as Don.

"Yeah, that's not happening."

The youngest Romano furrowed his brows and playfully pouted for a moment at his brother's inability to simply let go and enjoy himself.

"Oh come on Dante, have a little fun." Matteo pushed.

"I said... no."

This time Dante's voice sounded stern, commanding even.

But unfortunately for him, his protectiveness made no difference in the end.

"I'll do it."

Alexa suddenly spoke up, adding her approval to the idea.

By now she had consumed around two glasses of tequila and was on her first glass of scotch.

The new assistant was feeling on top of the world... tipsy, but on top of the world nonetheless.

What she had said not only shocked the Mafia Boss as he turned to face her with an angered expression, but it infuriated him!

By agreeing to play his brother's twisted game, his assistant was flat out disobeying him.

He chose to withhold his anger, for the time being. He needed to convince her to change her mind, and fast!

"Miss Myers, there is no need to play along with my brother's twisted desires." he reminded calmly.

She merely shrugged, smiling back at her boss.

"What's one kiss?"

As Dante silently seethed at her, the other two brothers cheered at her courageousness.

"That's the spirit!" Matteo mused.

Roberto reached out and grasped one of the empty bottles of tequila they had already conquered as a team in the past hour or so.

He placed it down in the middle of the kitchen's island counter and leaned on the edge.

"So, how does this work exactly?" Alexa asked with a confused frown.

"I mean, what if Roberto lands on Dante? Do you two have to kiss?"

Dante appeared to scrunch up his face with disgust at the idea.

The others chuckled at such a ridiculous image before shaking their heads.

"No, no, no... that's not how this game works, bellissima." (gorgeous) Matteo explained.

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