Chapter 11 - It's Just Dinner

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Once she had arrived home, Alexa was surprised and immediately barraged by a string of questions, courtesy of her overly nosy neighbour and close friend Willow.

The two would often come over to one another's places, catching up and sharing the odd gossip here and there.

After Alexa had finished explaining the entire situation to her friend over a few glasses of wine, the two were finding themselves to be rather tipsy as they sat about giggling like schoolgirls.

"That's insane!" Willow remarked.

"I can't believe you shared a ride home with Dante fucking Romano! The guy's a god, girl!"

Alexa laughed into her wine glass.

"Yeah right."

Willow sat up, intent on getting her point across.

"Seriously. He's like the most eligible bachelor and he's also listed as one of the richest people alive right now. The man's got bodyguards for his bloody bodyguards for fuck sakes!"

Alexa shook her head and frowned.

"That's not true."

"It is! I'm telling you, he's practically untouchable." Willow insisted.

"There's even rumours going around that he's in the Mafia, but I mean, they're just rumours, right? Seriously girl, haven't you been reading up on him?"

"No, of course not." Alexa admitted adamantly.

"Why in the world would I care about some rich guy who already has everything he wants?"

She began playing with the rim of her wine glass, unknowingly running her finger along it as she stared off into the middle distance, deep in thought for a moment.

Willow narrowed her eyes and then smiled.

"Oh... my... god... You're already smitten with him, aren't you?"

Alexa's posture suddenly straightened at the assumption and she immediately fired back.

"I am not! I would never!"

"Oh, come on, you're clearly horny as hell. I mean, when was the last time you even got laid?"

Willow leaned back against the sofa, waiting for Alexa's reply.

Letting out a long sigh, Alexa shook her head as she spoke.

"He's gonna be my boss soon, Willow..." she pointed out.

"Or at least I'm considering it. I still haven't made up my mind yet."

This appeared to shock Willow as she dropped her jaw in an overexaggerated expression of disbelief. Disbelief at what she had just heard.

"Still considering it? Lex, are you totally fucking insane? You're taking that job!"

Alexa frowned as she met the hooded eyes of her intoxicated friend.

"You'd be mad to turn down such an amazing opportunity, seriously. I mean, it's six fucking figures Lex! And you'd be working directly underneath the guy..."

She suddenly paused and snickered.

"Get it, working underneath him?"

Rolling her eyes at the pathetic attempt at a joke, Alexa shook her head as she suddenly stood up and walked across towards the kitchen counter.

"It's just a big decision to make, that's all I'm saying. Working for someone so famously well-known, it'll have its drawbacks, I'm sure. And he's... well, he's..."

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