Chapter 6 - The Elevator Ride

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Dante's voice was deep and smooth as silk as he suddenly spoke, breaking through the awkward silence both he and Alexa were now sharing.

"Which floor?" he asked, leaning in toward the control panel.

"Oh, um thirty please." Alexa replied hesitantly, adjusting her black-rimmed glasses nervously and unable to meet his gaze.

A couple of moments passed by before she heard his voice again.

"Running late?"

Turning her head to face him, she couldn't help a smile that escaped.

"Terribly late... I'm afraid my boss is gonna have an aneurism the next time I see him..." she joked, turning away from him shyly.

"That is, if he hasn't already."

"I see you at least got his coffee..." Dante pointed with a finger toward the tray she held in her hand.

"That's gotta count for something, right?"

"You clearly don't know my boss." she replied rolling her eyes.

"You'd think so... I mean, after everything I've done for him."

He seemed intrigued by her.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is your boss?"

"Gary Harworth, he's the C.O.O here..." she replied, leaning in a little towards him.

"...and just between you and me, the man is as pretentious as they come. But shh... you didn't hear that from me."

Dante couldn't help but grin widely at her comment.

He couldn't say it right then and there, but he too happened to feel the exact same way about Gary Harworth.

The only reason that the weasel-of-a-man was still working at his family's company was that Gary was too damn good at his job.

Alexa went on, as is speaking her mind aloud.

"Three years I've worked for that self-absorbed excuse of a man, and this is the first time I've ever seen him so stressed and anxious about something. It's actually rather... strange."

"Why do you think he's anxious?" Dante queried casually, crossing his arms over his chest.

Alexa shook her head and sighed.

"I don't know, something about some owner of the company coming to visit us this morning. One of the Romano brothers I believe..." she admitted unknowingly.

"I mean, I don't get what all the fuss is about, right? He's just a man, like any other man walking this Earth. Sure, he may have billions of dollars to his name and go on expensive trips around the world on his private planes and yachts with beautiful women practically throwing themselves at his feet..."

She paused before going on.

"But does being rich really make that person more important than anyone else in the world? More important than say... you or me?"

She met his gaze, suddenly feeling lost in his dreamy emerald eyes as they stared back at her.

'Fuck he smells incredible!' she thought to herself, suddenly averting his gaze.

"I guess not..." Dante's brows both rose and a smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth.

He had to admit, he was finding this conversation quite enlightening. This woman was for some reason speaking her mind to him and he felt entranced by the way she thought. By her innocence and humble nature.

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