chapter 8

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Talyn's pov
Here I sit in the woman's section of jail just waiting till I can be realised "hey wait aren't you one the of them ghostbusters?" Someone asked "yea that's me" I say "that must be tuff I mean your the only female on that team" the person says "hey I am just as capable as the guys" I say. I hear someone make fun of the guys and I slapped them "you keep your mouth shut" I say glaring "well dame why are you so defensive of those men?" Someone else asked. I can believe I feel tempted to talk about this "well to be honest those guys are the only friends I've ever had, I've always be seen as a freak by most people till I meet them" I admitted. Then I hear the gate open "hey you ghostbuster the mayor wants to see you and and your friends" the officer says and I walked out and over to the guys "hey you okay?" Egon asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

I smiled "yes i'm fine Egon don't worry" I say and we all went to the mayor's office while i had a pretty tight grip on Egon's hand. I have a feeling the guys heard what I said by the looks on their faces. There was a bit of a crowd outside the building we need to be in but we pushed though and I feel egon put his arm around my waist to keep me closer. We make it and head inside "the ghostbusters are here" the guy says as we walk into the mayor's office "the ghostbusters, okay the ghostbusters, hey and where's this peck?" The mayor asked. Oh for the love of God why does that guy have to be here. Walter peck pushed past us to get to the mayor "I am Walter peck sir and I am prepared to make a full report, these people are consummate snowball artists, they use sense and never gases to induce hallucinations, people think their seeing ghost and they call these bozos who conveniently show up go deal with the problem with a fake electronic light show" he says. I was about to punch this guy but feel egon hold me back "everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here" Ray says and I snickered.

"They coursed an explosion!" Walter said annoyed "we did try to warn you that it would happen but you wouldn't listen" I say glaring at him "is this ture?" The mayor asked "yes its ture, this man has no dick" peter says and I smirk. Then Walter went for Peter but I shoved him back "you keep away from us prick" I say "you keep your mouth shut you bitch" he says, I saw egon clench his fist "this is city Hall, now what am I gonna do here, John?" The mayor says "all I know is that was no light show we saw this morning" John says "I've seen every form of combustion know to man but this beats the hell out of me" he says. I looked around at the other men "the walls in the 53rd precinct were bleeding, how you explain that?" Another guy asked Walter. The door opens and a priest walked into the room "good afternoon gentlemen" he says walking up to the mayor "how are you lenny?" He asked the mayor "you looking good Mike" the mayor says.

"We're in a real fix here, what do you think I should do?" The mayor asked "officially the church will not take any position on the religious implications of these phenomena, personally lenny I think its a sigh from god but don't quote me on that" the priest says. I let out a heavy sigh "that's a great idea mike" Peter says "I won't call a press conference and tell everyone to start praying" the mayor says and Winston steps forward. He clears his throat "I'm Winston Zeddemore your honor, I've only been been with the company for a couple weeks but I gotta tell these things are real, since I joined the team I have seen shit that'll turn you white" he says. I smiled a little as what he said "well you can believe Mr.pecker" Peter says ignoring pecks attempt to correct him "or you could accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions" he adds on. The mayor looked confused "what do you mean biblical?" He asked "what he means is old testament" I say "real wrath of God type stuff, fire & brimstone coming down from the sky, rivers and seas boiling" Ray says as well. Then Egon speaks up "forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanos" "the dead rising form the graves" Winster says and finally peter says something "human scarifie, dogs and cats living together mass hysteria" the mayor finally shuts us up "enough i get the point, but what if your wrong?" He asked "if I'm wrong nothing happens, we go to jail peacefully & quitely we'll enjoy it, but if
I'm right and we can stop this thing, lenny you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters" Peter says.

I can see peck walk over "I don't believe you're seriously considering listening to these people" he says and the mayor kicked him out.

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