Chapter 9

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Talyn's pov
We all got into our gear and thanks to help from the police we get to the apartment complex that the activity was going down "you okay?" I hear egon whisper "yea I'm fine don't worry" I say just as we pull up. The crowd was pretty big and they cheered when saw us, Peter was definitely loving all the attention "gotta run got a date with ghost" Peter says to the crowd and we get our porton packs on "Okay whatever happens let's be professional" Peter says. We all look up to see lighting strike the top of the building "that's the most strange lightning I've ever seen" I say as a chill went up my spine and I a slight moment of worry I grabbed egon's hand "we might have to put a little over time on this one" Ray says "yea no shit ray" I say.

That's when the ground began to crack and shake "oh god hold on!" I say grabbing on to the closest thing I could which was Egon and we all fell in to the hole with me landing on egon "you guys okay?" I asked and after they said yes we climbed out "there they are" someone from the crowd says and I held the guys get out as well. "I was in no way prepared for that" Ray says "none of us were" I say "it's all right, don't worry we're fine, we can handle it" peter says to the crowd "they wanna play rough, let's play rough" Peter says and we all head inside and start climbing up the stairs. 

Omg this stucks "where are we?" Peter asked "it looks like we're in the teens somewhere" Ray says "well when we get to 20 tell me, I'm gonna throw up" Peter says and we kept climbing. I could feel my legs wanting to give up but I didn't let them as we got to the top and leaned against the wall to catch my breath "art deco very nice" egon says "where is it?" Ray asked Peter. Peter says it's at the end of the hall and we head into the apartment but as we got closer I felt a bit dizzy but said nothing not wanting to worry the guys especially Egon "hey where these stairs go?" Ray asked pointing to the staircase "they go up" Peter says and I went up first followed by the guys.

We soon made it to the top of the roof to see Dana and Louis change into dog monster things "Okay, so she's a dog" Peter says seemingly trying to lighten up the situation and we step up to being into of this temple. That's when what must be gozer suddenly appears "it's a girl" Ray says sounding surprised "it's gozer" egon "I thought gozer was a man" Winston says "it's whatever it wants to be" I say. I didn't say that I seemed to recognise the face it has "whatever it is, it's gotta get by us" Peter says "right" Ray says "go get her ray" Peter says and Ray reluctantly steps forward "gozer the gozerian, good evening, as a duly designated representative of the city, county and state of new York, I order you to cease all supernatural activity and return to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension" Ray says.

That was something "that ought to do it thanks very much Ray" Peter says "are you a god?" Gozer asked and Ray looked back at us, I gave him a slight nod and he looked back at gozer "no" Ray says "then die!" Gozer says. It shots lighting at us nearly nockinf us off the building, I was hanging on the edge "guys a little help here!" I yelled out and then egon pulled me up "Ray, when someone asks if your a god you say yes!" Winston says. I take a deep breath "alright, this chick is toast"  Peter says as we all head back over to where we were before and took a hold of the netrona wands "heat them up!" Peter yelled and we turn on our wands "let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things down town" Peter says and we all shot the streams at gozer who jumped out of the way to land on the other side of us.

Okay this bitch is gonna get it "nimble little minx isn't she" Peter says "we better go full stream "aim for the flattop" Ray says and we shot our streams but gozer disappeares. That just left us confused "wasn't so hard" Peter says "that seemed far to easy" I say "we neutronized it, you know what that means? A complete particle reversal" Ray says with a bit of a smile "and we had the tools, we had the talent" Winston says. It still feels like it was way to easy of a victory "guys this looks extraordinarily bad" egon says as parts of the top of the building fell "look out" egon says, I covered my head with my arms "sub-creatures, gozer the gozerian, gozer the destructor volguus zildrohar the traveler has come, choose and perish" gozor voice says.

Ray steps forward "what you mean choose? We don't understand" Ray says "choose, choose the form of the destructor" the voice says and it clicks in my head "oh I get it, I get it oh very cute whatever we think of if we think of j. Edgar hoover, he will appearand destroy us, so empty your heads" Peter says. I managed to clear my head "don't think of anything, we've only got one shot at this" I say. A few seconds later the voice speaks again "the choice is made, the traveler has come" it said "wow none of us chose anything" I shouted "did you chose anything?!" Peter asked egon "no" egon says "did you?" Peter asked Winston "my mind is blank " Winston says.

Peter says didn't chose anything then we all looked at Ray who looked guilty "I couldn't help it, it just popped in there" he says "what did Ray?" I asked him as loud thuds are heard "look!" Egon yelled as we all look to see "oh you gotta be kidding me" I say "it's can't be" rays says.  I sighs "what did you did you do ray?" Peter  "oh shit" Winston says, I still can't believe what I was seeing "it's the stay puft marshmallow man" Ray says. This is definitely the most insane thing I've ever seen "there's something you don't see everyday" Peter says "I tried to think of the most harmless thing, something I loved from my childhood, something that could never ever possibly destroy us, Mr. Stay puft" Ray says. Peter looked over at him "nice think Ray" he says "we used to roast stay puft marshmallows by the fire at camp winkonda" Ray says, "Ray has gone bye bye egon, what have you got left?" Peter asked.

Egon looks just as lost as the rest of us "sorry Venkman I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought" egon says "what about you?" Peter asked me "I got nothin" I say. The thing looks up at us as it let out a growl "oh no" Winston says "mother pus bucket" Peter says and I feel myself shaking a little no body steps on a church in my town!" Peter yelled. Okay this is it "one, two, three, roast him!" Ray yelled as well shot the beast with our porton streams almost knocking him down but fire shot up at us and we fell back. I realised then that I have burn marks on my face now "oh shit you okay?" Egon asked seeing my face "I'll be fine egon don't worry" I say to try and reassure him "funny us going out like this, killed by 100-foot marshmallow man" Ray says "we've been going about this all wrong, this Mr.  Stay puft is a sailor, he's in new York we get this guy laid we won't have any trouble" Peter says and I punched his arm "cut it out with the sexual shit and take this seriously for a second" I say to him.

Then egon speaks up "I have a radical idea, the door swings both ways we could reverse the particular thought the gate" he says "how?" Peter asked "we'll cross the streams" egon says. That seems like the only plan we have now "excuse me egon, you said crossing the streams was bad" Peter says "you gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our client, the nice lady who paid us in advance before she became a dog" he adds on. I had to admit this was a little dumb "not necessarily, there's definitely a very slim chance we'll survive" egon says "I don't think we have any other choice guys" I say sticking with egon's plan and the others reluctantly agreed and we hurried just as stay puft's hadn't near grabbed us and we stood together "see you on the other side Ray" Peter says.

I took another deep and shaky breath "egon if If we die I want you to know that I love you" I say "I love you too tal" egon says smiling slightly. As we one by one turn on our streams and cross them and it works but of course made an explosion knocking us all back. Once we awoke I get up and winced when I tried to walk "guys you okay?!" I yelled out hoping for a response, I see that everything was covered with marshmallow and I managed to get a response eventually as they get up "what happened?" Egon asked rushing over "I think I hurt my ankle" I say and we freed Dana and Louis. Egon being a totally sweet heart helps me walk down and once we walked out on to street the crowd cheers for us, I couldn't help myself but kiss egon in front of everyone which he didn't seem to mind that much as he kissed me back.

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