Chapter 14

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Talyn's pov
It's been so much fun being able to bust ghosts again and the city was surprisingly welcoming us back, I did however have to work a little harder to hide something that I still haven't told the guys yet. I did however fianlly tell at least Dana about it and she's been helping figure it all out I do think that the guys are starting to suspect that wrong but they haven't asked about it yet. Ray and egon had been collecting some of the slime as well and have been running tests on it, we also filmed a new commercial "we've been experimenting with the plasm me found in the subway tunnel" Ray says and carefully egon placed to jug on the table in front of all of us and that's when they showed us what they had been testing by yelling at the slime. The slime began to react to their anger which was definitely catching my interest "this is what you do with your spare time" Peter says seemingly making fun of them "Peter this is an incredible breakthrough, I mean what a discovery a psycho-reactive substance, whatever this stuff is it responds the humans emotional state" Ray says.

Well damn that's gonna be leading to something bad "you mean this stuff actually feeds on bad vibes?" Winston asked "like a cop in a donut factory" Ray says "we've been running tests to see if can get an equally strong positive reaction" egon says "well what kind of tests?" I asked them. They seem hesitant to awnser "well we sing to it and we talk to it and say supportive nurturing things to it" ray says "your not sleeping with it are you Ray?" Peter asked and by the look on the Egon's face I knew what happened "Okay that's just Ew" I say. Egon clears his throat "how about the kinetic tests?" Egon says and he brings over the toaster, after putting and bit of the slime in and Turing on some music the toaster started to dance "well that's something you don't see everyday" I say.
I had another doctors appointment so I had to sneak away which was a lot easier then I thought it would be and some how the guys hadn't seen me leave, I really should tell them but if they knew they'd never let me leave the firehouse.

I love ghost busting and it's always such and exciting experience, if it wasn't for my interest in the supernatural I never would meet any of the guys or jannie, me and Egon would've never ended up together and I can't imagine my life without Egon Spengler in it. After my appointment as I was walking back I felt like I was being followed by someone but the streets were pretty busy so someone may have just been going in the same direction as me and I just shruged it off as nothing. I Eventually get back to see the guys were busy doing the own things so I went to relax thinking that soon it's gonna be time to tell them about my secret.

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