Chapter 13

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Talyn's pov
"Before we begin this trail I wanna make one thing perfectly clear, the law does not recognise the existence of ghosts I don't believe in them either, I don't want to hear a lot of malarkey about goblins, spooks and demons, we're gonna stick to the facts in this case, leave the ghost stories to the kiddies understood" the judge says. We're in court from last night's event "wow, sounds like a pretty open minded guy, huh?" Winston says "yeah the call him the hammer" egon says and with my nerves I hand a hold of his hand "what can we do? It's all in the hands of our lawyer now" Ray says. We had taken the chance of making Louis Tully are lawyer "I think you guys are making a bug mistake, I do mostly tax law and some probate stuff occasionally, I got my law degree in night school" he says and I can see how nervous he was.

"Well that's fine Louis, we got arrested at night" Ray says "violating a judicial restraining order,willful destruction of public property, fraud, malicious mischief, see you in a couple years at your first parole hearing" some guy says with a smirk. Soon the case started "your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the...the audience, I don't think it fair to call my clients frauds, okay so the black out was a big problem for everybody okay, I was stuck in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time but I don't blame them because one time I turned into a dog and they helped me, thank you" Louis says. He comes and sits back down with us "very good Louis, short but pointless" egon says to him then the prosecutor steps up "Mr fianella please look at Exhibits a through f on the table over here, do you recognise this equipment" she says. Mr fianella speaks "yea, that's the stuff the cops took from their truck" he says "do you know what this equipment is used for?" The prosecutor asked "I don't know, catching ghosts maybe" Mr fianella says "may I remind the court that the defendants are under a judicial restraining order that strictly forbids them from performing services as paranormal investigators or eliminators" the prosecutor says.

I so badly wanted to punch that bitch in the face "now Mr fianella, can you identify the substance in this jar marked Exhibit f?" She asked "yeah yeah that's the stuff alright, your honor I've been working underground for con Ed for 27 years I never saw anything like this in my life, whatever's down there they must of put it there" Mr fianella says "no we didn't!" I yelled. I was about the fight this son of a bitch but was stopped by Ray and egon "relax love" egon says softly into my ear and he gently kissed my cheek making me smiled a little. When Peter went up to the stands he had to tell Louis what to say and boy was it a mess to witness "objection your honor" the prosecutor says "he's leading the witness" she says "give me a break we're both lawyers" Louis says as he rejoins me, Ray and egon while the prosecutor goes to question Peter "Dr Venkman, would you tell the court why it is that you and your co-defendants took upon yourselves to dig a very big hole in the middle of first avenue?" She asked.

Peter smirks a little "well there's so many holes in first avenue we really didn't think anyone would notice" he says making people chuckle slightly "keep that up Mister and I'll find you in contempt" the judge says. Peter looks at him "I'm truly sorry your honor" Peter says "I'll asked you again Dr Venkman why were you digging the hole? And please remember your under oath" The prosecutor asked "there are some things in this world that go way beyond human understanding, things that cannot be explained, things that most people don't want to know about, that is where we come in" he says. I smiled at Peter's words "so what you're saying is that the world of the supernatural is your exclusive province?" The prosecutor asked "kitten, I think what I'm saying is that sometimes shit happens, someone has to deal with it and who you gonna call?" Peter says and everyone cheers.

It comes to the end of the trail "Peter Venkman, Raymond stantz, Egon Spengler, Tayln Barrett Stand up!" the judge says and we do just that "you too Mr Tully" he adds and Louis stands up "find you guilty on all charges, order you to pay fines in the amount of $25,000 each and sentence you to 18 months in the city correctional facility at Riker's Island" the judge says. The taps my arm "guys look, she's twitching" Ray says and we see the slime seemingly reacting to the judge getting angry "on a more personal note let me go on record as saying that there's no place for fake charlatans tricksters like you in decent society" the judge says. We tried to get his attention to Warn him but he cut us off "you play on the gullibility of innocent people, if my hand weren't tied by the unalterable tethers of the law...." we all got under the table quickly "reach back to a purer sterner justice and have you burned at the stake!" The judge yelled.

That's when all he'll broke lose as two ghost started attacking people "wow" Ray says, the judge quickly jumped and crawled over to us "the Scolari brothers!" He shouted "friends of yours?" I asked "I tried them for murder and gave them the chair!" He says panicking. I clung onto Egon's hand "you gotta do something!" The judge yelled at us "why don't you just tell them you don't believe in ghost" egon suggested and we quickly had to hide somewhere else as the table was lifted "you gotta do something help me!" The judge yelled at Ray. Ray had a smug grin on his face "don't talk to me, talk to my attorney" he says "and that's me! My clients are still under a judicial restraining order, that blue thing I got from her they could be exposing themselves" Louis says. I smirked "and I don't think you want us to do that" I say fianlly the judge rescinded the order and we quickly put the proton packs on "oh I've missed this" I say "I always hated this part of the business" Peter groans "you now it's been a couple years since we used this stuff, I hope it still works" he says.

I held my netrona wand in my hands "they should, the power cells have a half-life of 5,000 years" egon says "well there's no time for a bench test, heat em' up" Ray says as one by one we trun our packs on "🎶do🎶" Peter says "🎶re🎶" Ray says with happy smile "🎶Egon🎶" egon says smirking making giggle and after a bit we catch both the ghosts "two in the box!" Ray cheers "ready to go!" Egon cheers "we be fast!" Peter cheers "and they be slow!" I cheer and we walk out the the crowd "we're the best, we're the beautiful, we're the only ghostbusters" Peter says "we're back!" Ray cheers happily.

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