Chapter 16 : Because you love him

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The next day at work, everything was as usual, except that no one, not even Kunikida, was forcing him to work. Dazai knew why they were being so nice to him today but it only annoyed him so he decided to go for a walk. He hoped to find Liam and that nameless girl so that he could get more informations about all the "reviving thing".

But no matter where he looked there was no sign of these two. Dazai first thought they fled leaving him with no answer to his request but it didn't make sense for him, Liam wasnt like this.

An ability that make able people to revive people is surely one of the most powerful and dangerous. But it can't be so easy to bring someone back to life, first the dead need to still have their  soul but it surely isn't the only condition. There must be something to sacrifice, it's always like this with powerful abilities.

For example when Chuuya use corruption it could kill him if he wasn't stopped at time or Liam if he want to see the future it will take a certain amount of his own life. So for reviving a dead there must be also something like this, but now that he think about it, he never heard about souch an ability...
It's far too dangerous to let a person with an ability like this live their life as if it was nothing. Dazai knew perfectly where to go to get the answer to his questions.

"Ango my dear friend! How are you doing?" asked the brunet. Ango looked at him surprised, he didn't expect Dazai to come knock on his door.

"What the matter Dazai?" he asked letting his old friend in. Dazai walked into Angos apartment and looked around, there was a lot of empty box of anti sleep medicine everywhere and a lot of documents on his desk.

"Uuh, your house is in such a mess, you should think about cleaning it sometimes" said Dazai looking at the different documents from the desk.

"Dazai i have a lot of work so please just tell me what you need" replied Ango taking the documents from Dazai's hands and put them back were they where.

"Why do you think i need anything ? Can't i visit an old friend?" said the brunet with an innocent smile, the other man looked at him then sighed.

"Okey well, i would like to know if you know anything  about an reviving ability" Dazai finally asked, Ango looked at him in disbelief.

"A resurrection ability? I've never heard or read anything about such an ability, but why do you ask something like this now?" He asked curiously, he kinda had an idea but didn't know for sure which name to say.

"So you have no information... Is this person in another country? It might be that but it would also mean that they have never used their ability before..." he whispered to himself, seeing that Dazai ignored his question he hesitated to say more.

"Are you planing to bring back Oda?" he finally asked. Hearing this name Dazai's eyes widened. It wasn't surprising that he went with this name and not Chuuya's. But now that he heard Oda's name he realised that he had a chance to revive his friend. He might be able to see him and talk to him again, he might show him that he has changed, that he has become a good person who saves people. it was obvious that between Chuuya and Oda the second was the most logical and suitable choice. So why didn't he even think about it, why the first name that came into his mind when he finds out that he could revive someone was not Oda but Chuuya. He felt so disappointed in himself and silently cursed at himself.

"No it isnt him, why would you sudenly decide to find an ability user who can revive people. It has to be Chuuya since he died not long ago, after all you just find out about his death recently... am i right?" said Ango and Dazai looked away.

"Why would i want to bring Chuuya back? I dont care about him! His nothing to me-!" yelled Dazai angrily.

"Love" replied Ango calmly and Dazai looked at him confused.

"What?" asked Dazai not understanding what Ango meant.

"You want to bring Chuuya back, because you love him" he replied still with the same calme tone.

"What nonsense are you saying" said Dazai with widened eyes and a scary smile. Ango looked away a little frightened and didnt said anything more too scared that Dazai would get mad but the brunet only left after a moment.

Dazai looked all over the town to find Liam, he was even more impatient to end all this, but he couldn't find him. After what Ango said, he couldn't sleep a lot, he laughed in amusement and disbelief of Ango's dumb guesses. How could he say that he loved Chuuya, was it because of what happened in the past ? Surely yes, but actually Dazai never had feelings for his former partner, it was all a lie. After all he didn't think about him at all when he left, he never cared about him at all.

Dazai has now changed his mind, he would bring Oda back, he was more important than a chess piece, after all a dumb chess piece can be replaced with a better one but you can't replace a friend.

Five days have passed in which Dazai didn't went to work, he looked again and again for the one who promised to help him. He started to thing that Liam got mad because of what happened last time they saw each others but Liam wouldnt break a deal for such a thing.
And he was right cause the next day Liam was waiting for him in front of the Detective agency.

"Hey Dazai, it's been a while. How are you?" asked the young man with a warm smile.

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