Chapter 19 : Waked up

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Chuuya slowly opened his eyes, he was feeling dizzy and tired. The sun light that shined on his face made his vision blury and he quickly closed back his eyes. His whole body feel stiff and it was hard for him to move his arm to block the sun light. He turned his back to the wide open window to go back to sleep. The warm feeling of the sun on his body made him feel so comfortable that he wished he would never have to wake up. Yet his peaceful moment was shattered as the door suddenly opened.

"I can't believe that bastard, no matter what he is told he always have to act like an idiot... Why am i the one to clean his mess anyway ? He does shit then run away, i swear i'll kill him..." He could hear someone complaining in a low voice, yet he couldn't put a name on the voice he could hear.

It did sound really familiar yet it was hard for him to remember it. Even so he didn't panic that there was a stranger, he didn't know why but that voice made him feel comfortable and at ease but at the same time it gave him a feeling of sadness that he couldn't understand. He decided to pretend to be asleep and see what the other guy would do.

Chuuya could hear footsteps and water flowing then the footsteps slowly approaches to the bed. He still didn't move, then he felt something gently brushing on his face. It was a soft, damp fabric, the cold feeling on his face was feeling nice because of the hot temperature of the room.

"Its so hot here even if an open window... i really can't adapt to such a temperature, even when i was living in France it wasn't that hot in summer...
I hope you'll be fine when you wake up, maybe i should prepare a cool bath for you it's so hot after all. Food is almost ready, hopefully you'll wake up soon so you could also eat something right away. hmm, should i prepare a cake too? I could also go buy ice cream it would be nice to eat something cold too." Chuuya listened to the person in silence as they gently played with his strands of hair. He didn't know who it was but hearing everything the guy was saying he didn't feel like he wanted to hurt him, it was even the other way around. That soft voice really made Chuuya feel at ease but he didn't know if he should open his eyes or not. "I wonder where that bastard went to, he should be the one taking care of you not me... Huh it really feel like i'm taking care of my little brother. I have to admit that i really missed that feeling..." continued the guy. Chuuya could feel that he was smiling when sauing that but the sadness in his voice was too obvious to not be noticed.

"Wait actually i should be the one being the little brother now no? Sign~ To say i was older than you two when we met, being reborn at the age you die is such a pain in the ass..." said the guy and now Chuuya was really confused. Reborn? What was he talking about??
And who was that other person he was talking about?

The individual took his hand away from Chuuya's hair and walked to the window. Chuuya hesitated for a moment then decided to sit up slowly.
He looked at the silhouette facing the window, he couldn't see a lot because of the sun light but he did feel like he knew that guy.

"So you were awake after all, tsk.. you should have said something instead of pretending to sleep..." He said and Chuuya looked surprised.

"If you knew i was faking then why did you pretend to think i was asleep then?..." responded Chuuya annoyed that the guy didnt turn around.  What the ginger said made the young man laught which annoyed Chuuya even more.

"Hey dont laugh and just tell me who you are and were i am!" yelled Chuuya.

"Sorry sorry~ Well it's true that it's been a long time since we've seen each other but to the point that you're going to forget me? It really hurts to hear you say that..." he said with  a pout.

"As for were you are, well your in my house" said the guy while turning around. The moment Chuuya saw his face his eyes widened. How could he forget such an acquaintance, or maybe should he call him his friend? He didnt even know what to call the relationship but there was no bump that Chuuya concidarated that person as someone important.

"Liam? Oh- where have you been? Why did you disappear like that??" asked Chuuya really confused. After all he didn't know why Liam has suddenly left his life without a word.

"Oh so you do remember me after all. I wanted to apologize for leaving without a goodbye but i did not affect your mission did i? After all it purpose was to get ride of me and that what happened" said the brunet with a smile and Chuuya's eyes widned even more.

"How do you know that?? It is true, but I didn't really want to kill you or anything!"  Chuuya explained trying to get up but he was still dizzy and lost his balance and fall into Liam's arms.

"Well i've always knew it hehe~ Also you should not get up just yet lay down and sleep a little more" said Liam trying to sit Chuuya on the bed and step back but the ginger clunged to his sleeves.

"Not so fast, you still have ro give me proper explanations!" shouted Chuuya and Liam looked at him confused.

"Do i? What about?" he asked and Chuuya got even more annoyed.

"You still have to answer my questions ! So where have you been?" asked the ginger and Liam smiled.

"I know that you tried to seduce me but we haven't been a couple so i do not have obligations to inform you whenever i leave" he said which angered Chuuya.

"Are you dumb?! You are my friend so you could had at least say goodbye! Also what was that "reborn" thing that you mentioned? And why do you still look so young yet your still taller?! That's not fair! Wait it isn't what i mean! Did you die and got revived or something ?? But that impossible !" yelled the ginger. Liam's ears hurt from all that shouting, he grabbed Chuuya by his shoulders and looked at him with a smile.

"Listen Chuuya, I'm gonna tell you what happened if you agree to stop yelling so much..." he said still smiling but Chuuya could feel the dark aura emanating from Liam.

"So in short my ability make me able to see the past and futur, but when if i see the futur or change it it take some years of my life. I used all my years to change something in the futur of a certain someone and found myself out of time to live so i went to my hometown and got buried there. But i got revived by someone and bla bla bla I met Dazai and learned that you died so i asked that person to help Dazai and revive him and there you are" Explained Liam and Chuuya's eyes widened.

"Wait- You know Dazai? I died?? That doesn't make sense" said Chuuya really confused at lost.

"I do know him, it doesn't matter how we met now but yes you died, i dont know how, and revived" Said the brunet then sat down next to Chuuya.

"I see... But why would Dazai help to bring me back?... Why didnt he revive his friend...?" whispered Chuuya to himself but Liam heard him. But he pretended that he did not, after all Chuuya doesn't need to know that he wasn't the first option.

"Whatever... Also, you said that you have spent your life time to change someone's life. Who was it and why did you done that?" asked Chuuya a little curious to know the answer.

"I can't tell you their name but it was someone I liked but at the same time I wanted to make suffer and knock them off their pedestal. As for why i did it, it was because this way both of my feelings will be satisfied. It made them suffer but also helped their life to be better" explained Liam with a smile as Chuuya looked at him weirdly.

"You have some fucked up feelings..." said Chuuya and Liam laughed.

"I guess i do indeed. Alright time for me to leave, i have to check on the food you get some rest" he said and left the room.
Chuuya laid down on the bed but his moment of peace didn't last long.

"Good morning Chuu~~~"

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