Dorm Mate

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Knuckles look around the halfway done dorm room as sonic frantically looks in the boxes. "UGH! I know I packed it!" He growled. "Maybe you forgot it at your parents house." Tails said with a smartass smirk. "Don't have to be a smartass tails" knuckles said sitting up in the beanbag chair. "FOUND IT!" Sonic smiled pulling out two picture frames. One of the three of them as kids and the other from senior prom where he finally asked out Amy. "Man I'm glad i found them! They're irreplaceable!" Sonic sighed placing the pictures on his desk. Tails rolls his eyes spinning in the desk chair. "So Knuckles you all set up?" Sonic asked sitting on his bed. "Yeah pretty much just got my clothes to unpack." He said while looking at his class schedule on his phone. "Have you met your dorm mate yet?" Tails asked. "Nope" knuckles replied laying his head back feeling sleepy. "You should head back and get some rest man." Sonic said. "Not possible i been having trouble sleeping the past two days. Like i'll sleep for 1 hour and thats it." He said. "That's not good man..." Sonic said worried for his friend. "Trust me I know....." he said getting up. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." he said as he walks out the door. He didnt realize that he had been hanging out with Sonic and Tails so long because it was almost night time. As he enters the dorm he is greeted by a black and red hedgehog fresh out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Shit sorry!" He said shutting the door and sits on the floor back againist the door. He feels his face getting warm as his cheeks turn pink. He falls over when the door opens behind him. As he lays on the floor his eyes look into a pair of familiar ruby red eyes. "Hey dorm mate" Shadow smiled looking down at the red echidna whos face turns red. "Hey Shadz..." knuckles said as he looks at the ebony hedgehog's strong body in sweatpants. "So where have you been the past 3 hours?" Shadow smirked. "With sonic and tails" Knuckles replied getting up and walks in the dorm. "You hungry?" shadow asked typing on his phone. "Yeah i could go for some pizza right now." "Meat lovers?" "Yes" Shadow orders the food as knuckles unpacks his clothes. "Ok so it'll be here in 40 mins." Shadow said aas he lays down on his made bed. "So uh.... how is your uncle?" Knuckles asked putting away the last of his clothes. "Hes fine a pain in my ass but fine." Shadow growled. "Was he againist you going to college?" "Yep.... he was like 'Vhy go now? vou never had intresting going before bleh bleh bleh bleh' Uncle thats why i am going. 'vhatever vou vhat i dont care Bleh blah bleh' " Knuckles starts laughing at Shadows immpression of his uncle. "That was great!" Knuckles said continuing to laugh. Shadow joins him.

Knuckles toss and turns in his bed trying to sleep. He quietly groans as his body refuses to sleep. Shadow wakes up and turns on the light. "Sorry did i wake you shadz?" "kinda but whats up?" "I dont know i haven't had a good night rest in awhile." He said. "I think I have something for that." Shadow said getting up. He opens a small latch from the mini fridge showing his blood supplements, and a bottle with blue liquid. Shadow grabs the bottle with the blue liquid and shuts the fridge door. "This helps me when i cant sleep, maybe it'll help you." Shadow smiled. "Ok" knuckles said trusting his friend. But shadow puts the liquid in his mouth confusing Knuckles. "Uh shadz what the-mph!" Before knuckles knew it shadows lips were on his and his tongue opens his mouth letting it inside as the liquid flows down his throat. Knuckles feels very sleepy but wants shadows lips to stay on his. To his disappointment shadows pulls away. "If you are wondering why i did that its to detox the stuff for vampires so its safe for you." Shadow said as knuckles nods then falls asleep. "ok that was a lie i was dying to know what his lips tasted like...." Shadow thought as he went back to bed.
Shadow wakes up to see knuckles doing push-ups in the middle of the dorm floor. He blushes at the sight of the two shoulder blades flexing as knuckles pushes his body up. Shadow starts getting sexual images between and he shakes and throw the covers over his head growling to himself but caught the attention of knuckles. "I'm sorry did I wake you Shadz?" He said getting up and wipes the back of his neck with a towel. "No I just woke up... didn't mean to growl" Shadow said hiding his blushing face. "Oooook well I'm going to hop in the shower wanna grab some breakfast?" Knuckles asked. "Sure" shadow mumbled.
As the water hits knuckles sweaty body his mind wonders to last night. It was the best sleep he had in a long time but he was thinking about Shadow's lips on his. "DAMN IT! Why of all people! I have to be crushing on my best friend!" He groaned as he turns off the water.
Shadow pulls on his shirt just as knuckles comes out in his AC/DC tee and ripped light blue jeans. "Ready to go?" He asked. Shadow nods and they head to the college cafeteria.
"Should I tell him how I feel?"
"Will he return my feelings if I tell him?"

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