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6 years later

Knuckles wakes up next to his husband smiling and quietly gets up heading down into the kitchen to start up some coffee. Today was their 5th wedding anniversary and he wanted to make it special. He had to hurry since Shadow will be waking up soon. He makes shadow's favorite breakfast since he became mortal on their wedding day from a spell his uncle found full filling Shadow's secret wish to be mortal with his friends and husband. "Morning~" Shadow walked in stretching with a smile on his face. "Morning" knuckles replied still cooking. Shadow wraps his arms around him kissing his cheek. "Happy 5 year anniversary knuckie~" he said laying his chin on knuckles shoulder. "Happy anniversary Shadz" knuckles replied. "Making my favorite I see" "yes it was going to be a surprise" knuckles smiled. The door knocks and they look at each other. "I'll get it" shadow said. When he opens the door he feels little arms wrap his legs. "UNCLE SHADDY!!" A little purple female hedgehog yelled looking up at him whim with her emerald eyes. She lets go and runs to knuckles. "UNCLE KNUCKLES!!!" "Hey Emma!" he picks her up and she hugs her little arms around his neck. "Sorry to disturb you guys" Sonic said holding his 4 month old son. "Yeah we wanted to drop by to see you guys were still coming to Peach and Mario's place tonight" Amy smiled. "Yeah we are" Shadow smiled. "Please come in." Shadow shuts the door behind him. "Oh we also have something for you guys it's not much but we think you'll like it." Sonic smiled nodding at Amy who pulls a small card from her purse. Inside was a gift card to their favorite restaurant. "Wow thanks guys!" "I made the card myself uncle knuckles" "you did that's awesome em! That makes it more special." Knuckles smiles still holding his 4 year old goddaughter. "Hey is something burning?" Amy asked as sonic gives their son to her. "SHIT!" Knuckles puts down Emma and runs in the kitchen to see the potatoes burned. "Well there goes breakfast" he growled. "How about we treat you guys out?" "YAY BREAKFAST WITH UNCLE KNUCKLES AND UNCLE SHADDY!" Emma yelled clapping her hands. "We can't say no to that face" shadow grinned. "Ok sounds good. "Make yourselves at home we will right back down" Knuckles said as they head upstairs to change.

"Hey guys happy anniversary!" Peach smiled hugging them. "Hey peach hey Mario are you joining us?" Knuckles ask. "Yep" peach smiled rubbing her 8 month belly. "How's the twins?" Shadow asked as they all sat down. "Good we can't wait to meet them next month" Mario smiled. "Have you two thought about adopting?" Sonic asked. "We talked about it but we're still on the bench about it." Shadow said. "I mean we love kids that's clear but we don't know yet" knuckles smiled. "Hell even talked about a surrogate" he finished. "That's cool you guys" Uncle knuckles sit next to me!" Emma said. Knuckles smiled and switch seats with Mario. "Guess we know who's the favorite uncle" shadow laughed as Emma shows knuckles her drawings. "You would make a good parent hon." Shadow smiled "so would you love" knuckles replied not taking his attention off Emma pointing at the stuff she drew. The waitress comes and takes their orders.
"Well thanks for breakfast guys." Shadow smiled as they all walk out the restaurant door. "You're welcome see you guys tonight?" Amy smiled. "Yea we will" knuckles replied. "Awwwwwww can I go with uncle shaddy and uncle knuckles mommy?!" "No Emma we  have to take you to your grandparents house." "I dont wanna!" "Aurora Emma Rose Hedgehog you love grandma Alena and pop pop Dash" Sonic looks at his daughter. "They aren't fun....." "oh they are I miss the games they had for me and your dad when we were kids" knuckle winked at sonic helping him out. Sonic winked back. "Yea remember that cool scavenger hunt they did in the castle and we found a real bury treasure in the garden" "definitely and the horseback riding to the playground" "HORSEBACK RIDING?! SCAVENGER HUNT LETS GO!" She hugged knuckles and shadow and runs into the car. "Nice job bro" Sonic smile hugging knuckles. "You to bro but bury treasure?" "Hey anything to excite a toddler" sonic laughed Mario and peach joining in. Amy rolled her eyes smiling. "See you guys tonight" she said waking to the car to put Issac in his car seat. "See yall later" knuckles and shadow waved getting into their car.

On the drive home Shadow really thinks through about the conversation about kids. He enjoys being around his friends kids watching them grow up and get excited over the smallest things life has to offer in this big world. "Knux?" He finally said. "Yeah knuckles replied looking over at him. Shadow pulls the car over. "Is everything ok?" Knuckles asked concern. "I want to have kids... let's both adopt and have a surrogate....." Shadow looks up at the surprise knuckles. "I really want this Knux I think we're ready." "No one is ever ready for kids Shadz." Knuckles smiled.

"Let's do it"

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