Why does this have to happen to me?! Chapter 20

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Hi! Wow, this is new. Wattpad really is making updates. I was planning to make my schedule every 3 days again but I found out that the 3rd day was yesterday! Sorry! Anyway, I made this Brian's POV. The next 2 chapters will be in Brian's POV as well. I just thought it would be nice to let you guys see how he feels about Celene, Keith and Cain. :D Hopefully this would earn him more fans :P I hope you like it! Please comment, vote, fan! I refuse to say vomment because it sounds like vomit :|


Brian's POV

I really should apologize to her. I shouldn't have fought with Keith, knowing she hates it when we do. It's just that I get jealous whenever I see how she looks at him. I get why she liked him before. He was nice but so am I. And I'm staying this way not like that bipolar freak.

I sigh. Why does she still like him? All he does is hurt her especially today. I mean, Rosalind?! Seriously?! And he couldn't have picked some other bitch?! It's like their teaming up for the sole intent of hurting Celene. I hate seeing her hurt.

I wish she was telling the truth when she said she is over the jerk. Half of me believes her and the other wants to but doesn't. It just seems too sudden. She can't fall out of love--I blanch-- that quickly. Okay, I have got to let Celene stop making me watch those romance movies with her. A dude should not know these kinds of stuff. Then again, I understand girls more than the average dude. Argh, I shouldn't be thinking of this now!

Speaking of Celene, what's up with her and the new guy? What was his name again? I rack my brain but for the life of me, I can't remember. All I do recall is the fact that he's annoying and he's making a pass at Celene. There's something about him that makes me hate him and it's not only jealousy talking.

Okay, now the jealous part of me is picturing the two--God forbid-- on a date. I shudder. My temper spikes and I accidentally step on the brakes too hard. The car lurches to a full stop and someone throws curses at me. I ignore her and step on the accelerator lightly. As the car slowly moves again, I tap my fingers on the steering wheel, imagining what Celene would do if Cain hurts her. Probably the same thing she did to Keith.

I laugh at the thought but grow serious again as a thought crosses my mind. She can take care of herself. I know that but I'm still going to be there for her; still going to do help her in every way I can. I can't bear to even think of what I would do once she realizes I'm not worth the trouble; that she doesn't need me anymore. We've been together for so long, I can't picture a life without her constantly nagging on me or hitting me. Note to self: Tell her to stop doing that. I might get as stupid as she likes acting her to be.

I wonder what we would be like if I tell her I like her more than just a friend. It could go both ways. I rather it be the one where it includes her liking me back and us living happily ever after like those cliche chick flicks she loves so much. I mean, that's certainly better than her not having the same feelings for me and our relationship being ruined. Sure, we can stay friends but it won't be the same as before. I mean now. Everything would be so awkward. We wouldn't want to be alone together and there won't be easy conversations anymore.

I shake my head to clear it. No, I won't tell her. I'm gonna be stuck in the friend zone but at least I'm her closest and oldest one. I'm the one she seeks comfort for. True, we fight a lot but we always end them quickly with the exception of Keith, of course, and, I'm guessing, Cain. Suddenly, my phone blasts My Chemical Romance and I answer it.

"Get to the hospital ASAP. Celene got into an accident."

My mind reels and I barely register the dial tone. I don't bother finding out who called me. All I can think of is Celene getting hurt; being in an accident. As it sinks in, tears spring from my eyes and fall down my face.

No. Not Celene! She doesn't deserve this. I need to get there now! Damn this traffic! I search, desperate for a lane moving faster than the one I'm in. Hysteria settles in and my foot itches to press on the gas hard. Stop it, I chastise myself, doing so won't help her. Dread fills me as an image of Celene on the floor, her life's blood seeping out of her, clinging for her life, pops in my head.


So, do you like it? :) I just realized that there are only one person who talked and the person only said one line. O_O Anyway, please comment, vote, fan!  I'm gonna put a question after every chapter :D So here's the question for this chapter:

Who is your fave actor and actress?

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