Why does this have to happen to me?! Chapter 29

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Hi! I'm doing this in a hurry because we're going to leave already. My dad is in a bad moood now so it's best not to do anything that will piss him off even more. I also don't want him to see this because the talk that will come out of it will not be a nice one. Which talk is, anyway? You just sit there while people go on and on about something.... Anyway, it's going to be hard to post this week because I have quarterly exams and they are a lot O_O Okay, my dad is starting up again so I'm gonna end with this. Please comment, vote, fan! :D


It's funny sometimes when you get something you've wanted for a really long time at the exact time you don't want it.

Now's definitely not one of those times.

Don't get me wrong. It's the same situation. Just not funny. At all.

"Didn't you hear me?" He demands.

I sigh, defeated, and take the headphones off. "What do you want?" I turn so that I am lying on my back and look into those warm silvery-green eyes of his that always have a hint of humor in them.

Except for this very moment.

"Look, about what happened in the hospital--"

"Nothing happened as far as I know."

He raises an eyebrow which makes him look really annoying and, I am reluctant to add, incredibly cute. Damn him. "Then why are you interrupting me?"

Crap. He's onto me. Quick, make a diversion!

"Look! Kitty!" I point behind him.

As soon as he turns, (I have no idea why. We have no cat but why argue with a good thing?) I jump off the bed and throw open a window at the left side of the room. I hear Keith curse and make his way towards me. He makes a grab at me and I dodge him. He does it again and I think he would actually make contact but then he trips on one of my school books and falls face first into one of the piles of clothes.

I knew having a messy room would come in handy someday. I just don't know if his falling into my clothes is a good thing. I mean, it's good that he had something to cushion his fall. (Not that there's a lot of things going on in his noggin'. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just though noggin'.) I just hope that's the pile of perfumed ones or even the freshly laundered ones. Just as long as it doesn't smell icky and musty the way it always does when I sweat while wearing them or they've been there for a long time hence the vast amount of perfumes.

I reach out and grab a thick and sturdy tree branch with both hands then I put one foot on the windowsill for balance. I should be more careful here. It's a little damp. I'm just about to do the same with the other one when a hand takes hold of my ankle. I shriek as my foot slips and Keith tugs on my foot which makes me lose my hold on the branch. I feel a sharp pain as if I had pulled a muscle and curse silently. Why do I have to be so stupid sometimes?

I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself for the fall. My back hits something hard and rough and I open my eyes, expecting to see the gravel of the trail that leads to the swimming pool at the back of the house but instead, what I see is the smooth and light gray bark of the same sycamore tree I was planning to swing on. Except when I looked up, I didn't see the pale green leaves. Instead, I saw the roots.

Which means I am upside down.

I let out a screech until my throat hurt and feel the blood rush to my head. Seeing the hard surface above me, knowing that if I fall, it would hurt a great deal at the very least and the worst thing that can happen is me breaking my neck, does not bring out the best in me. I'm not very good with dangerous situations where I am helpless. That's why I took up tae kwon do.

"Quit moving! Do you want to fall and hit your head?"

I stiffen and try to be as dead a weight as possible to not end up dead. That's kind of ironic, don't you think?

Keith manages to wrap his fingers around my other ankle (I can't help but notice they go all the way around. I probably shouldn't be thinking about this considering I'm dangling in midair here.) and pulls me up little by little.

After about five hours of my life that I will never get back, Keith hauls me in. Unfortunately--for him, not me--when my feet touch the floor, my legs give way and I fall on Keith who, in turn, loses his footing and fall on a mound of my clothes. Again. I am happy to say that when I sniff, I smell Gucci perfume. What can I say? I still haven't found my signature scent yet.

This may or may not be an accident on my part. I will neither deny nor admit anything. Okay, so I might have made myself trip a little in the general direction of where he was cathing his breath which I think is quite rude because it's like he's implying that I'm heavy when I know for a fact that I'm not even though I tend to hit the junk food instead of the gym.

Oh my God! What if I've done that a few too many times?! What if I am fat?! I mean, I had been too scared to get on that weighing scale at the hospital! Plus, recently, I found out that when I flick my lower stomach, it jiggles a little. Jiggles! Actual jiggle-age! My arms are also not as firm as before. In fact, it's soft and my finger sinks a little when I poke it. The same goes for my thighs.

Oh. My. God. I'M GROWING FAT!!!!

I swear the next chance I get, I am so going to book an appointment with my trainer. I'm also going to make myself more dedicated to my dancing. I swear, you'd think I was living there! Or is that am living there. Darn you, grammar! Why must you make a fool of me?

From underneath me, Keith makes a sound at the back of his throat. I have no idea what to call it but it sounded like a cross between a growl and a groan. Whatever it was, it brings my attentions off what is going on inside the big mess that is my mind.

"Why'd you have to pull on my leg?! That was really dangerous!" I growl.

The next thing I know, my back is on the floor and the wind has been knocked out of me. His arms are on either side of my head. "Why'd you have to jump out the window? That was really dangerous!" He throws back with an equally loud growl that send shivers down my spine.

"I've done that a hundred times!" I plan this to come out strong but instead it sounds kind of like soft but husky whisper. Darn it. I clear my throat and lick my lips, bringing his gaze to them. He lets in a sharp and ragged breath. It is dawning to me how our faces are mere inches apart. So close in fact, that if I lean forward just a bit, our lips may just...


Well, that was real fun to write! :D I find it really enjoyable to right cliffhangers now :)) Anyway, please comment, vote, fan! :D

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