Chapter 6: Two for two

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Derek stepped into the lobby of the hospital, keys slinging loosely from his fingers. He glanced at his watch. Meredith had been in the test for six minutes by his count. He could only hope she had remained calm during her dash for the testing room. By the time they had left the parking lot, gotten back on the highway, and arrived at the hospital, the time had almost run out. Instead of parking, he had driven Meredith right up to the front doors, gave her a quick kiss and an 'I love you' as she collected her pencils, water bottle and snack and rushed out of the car.

He strode across the lobby and stepped up to the elevator, pushing the button and waiting patiently. A glance at his watch told him he had over an hour until his only scheduled surgery of the day. A mechanical beeping signalled the arrival of an elevator. Derek smiled as he realized exactly which elevator it was. He stepped on still smiling and the doors just started to shut as he heard a familiar clicking of much-to-expensive, horribly-uncomfortable-looking shoes on the lobby floor. "Hold the elevator, please!" The expected voice called out and he dutifully waved one of his two-million-dollar-a-year hands between the elevator doors just in time for his ex-wife to squeeze through.

"Hey, it's you." She said as the elevator doors began to close again and she quickly punched in her floor. "Thank-you. I'm late, I just got back. I was in L.A. visiting Naomi and Sam. Did you know they're divorced too? I-" She seemed to notice his attire and tilted her head slightly. "Nice suit, who died?" She asked jokingly.

Derek sighed, knowing it wasn't Addison's fault, there was mo way she could have known.. "Meredith's step mom," he said quietly.
She was taken aback. "Oh, my God!" She said, a hand flying to her mouth. "I had no idea. I'm so sorry." She shook her head. "God, I'm an idiot, I'm just having a bad week." She paused. "Though obviously not as bad as Meredith's. I'm so sorry, Derek. I didn't know." She repeated.

He nodded. "It's okay. You weren't here."

"She was such a wonderful person," Addison stated, remembering the time she had spent treating Molly and Laura. "Was she sick? I never knew..." She trailed off as the elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal an empty hallway. Someone had obviously pressed the button and abandoned the long wait for the faster choice of the stairs. The doors closed and they found themselves moving once more.

Derek hesitated, but knew it was all over the hospital anyway. "She came in for an endoscopic gastriplication procedure for hiccups." He scoffed. "She contracted an infection and turned septic, fast. To fast for anything to be done." He shook his head. "They tried, but there just wasn't any time."

Addison shook her head again, an expression of genuine sympathy striking her features. "Poor Meredith. So, I guess I can assume the funeral was today?" She gestured at his attire.

Derek nodded.

"Does she have the rest of the day off?"

He shook his head. "Intern exam," was explanation enough.

"Oh, that's right. Wow, that's stressful enough as it is."

Derek sighed. "Yeah, but she's okay." He hoped he was telling the truth.

How's Molly and her father taking it?" She asked gently, having grown close to the family during Laura's ordeal.

Derek closed his eyes for a moment, wishing she hadn't asked that question. But he also knew Addison would hear all about that situation as well. Sometimes he really hated the hospital gossip line. "I honestly don't know. Not well. They're not talking to us."

"What. Why?"

Derek shook his head. "Thatcher is blaming Meredith for Susan's death."

Addison shook her head. "That's absurd."

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