Chapter 9: clicks and flashes

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Faint clicking and flashes of light.

These were the first things that penetrated Derek's sleep muddled brain. And as they slowly brought him closer to consciousness, the annoyances became more systematic and not simply random occurrences. The clicking grew louder and it was always accompanied by the light flashes.

Barely aware, Derek was unable to place the source or meaning of the annoyances. He groaned slightly as he shifted, pulling closer to his still slumbering girlfriend. He pressed his face into the back of her head, into her hair, breathing in the familiar scent. But there was more clicking, more flashes. He couldn't effectively shield himself.

"Oh, aren't they cute?" Izzy's voice drifted into his subconscious. He didn't know what she was talking about... and it hurt too much to wonder. He squeezed his eyes tighter, trying to make the splitting pain behind them dissipate. One more click followed by one more flash. And he felt Meredith move.

"Seriously!" He heard her voice, still scratchy from sleep. "Seriously? You guys are so dead." And with those words she was suddenly absent from his arms. There was a screech and sounds of a struggle. He groaned and opened his eyes, blinking hard as he adjusted to the light. He could see movement, but couldn't make any sense of it at this angle. Slowly, careful of his stiff limbs, he struggled into a sitting position. He immediately knew this was a mistake when his head and stomach shouted out in protest simultaneously. He ended up in a half-sitting pose, head in his hands with his elbows resting on his knees, waiting for the world to stop spinning.

As the dizziness and nausea decreased in magnitude the scuffling ceased with a triumphant, "ha," from Meredith. He ventured to open one eye, then the other, blinking furiously. After a moment of adjusting, the room came into focus. He spotted Meredith, a camera in hand, glaring at a guilty Izzy and Cristina. The origin of the clicking and flashing now made sense to him.

"Do I take pictures of you when you sleep?" Meredith was ranting. "No, I don't because I'm a good friend. That's why."

So they had been taking pictures of him and Meredith sleeping. But, why? What he wouldn't do for his brain to be functioning on a higher level right now.

"Oh, come on, Mer." Izzy's voice again. "You were so cute, we couldn't resist."

"Oh no, Barbie," Cristina cut in. "I will not be any part of thinking anything is cute. I simply thought it good to have blackmail pictures available for future use."

Meredith shook her head. "Blackmail pictures. Seriously? I just threw you a freaking party, and you want blackmail pictures?"

Cristina shook her head. "I didn't mean of you. I meant for him," she motioned toward Derek. "And hey, I deserve this, he tried to get in bed with me last night."

"He what?" Izzy demanded, turning towards Derek. "You what?"

It took Derek a moment to decipher her question, then quite a few moments to attempt to withdraw pertinent information from the depth of his foggy mind. He could remember stumbling out of the cab the night before, having trouble making his key work, then fumbling up the stairs. He had found his way to her room, removed his shoes and jacket. Then he had sat on the side of the bed, just starting to lay down when the figure on the bed turned over to reveal... someone who was very much not Meredith...and very much not happy.

"Don't even think about it, McDreamy!" Cristina's voice rang out. "Get the hell out!" And he had.

He was still trying to pull back the memories of what had happened after that when he realized the three girls were staring at him. Izzy, still clad in her pyjamas, had a surprised expression on her face, while Cristina, wearing what she had probably been wearing the night before, looked amused, but not surprised. Meredith just looked sympathetic. And what on earth was she wearing? He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head as he regarded her.

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